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Reviews for "ZTV News Episode 3"

why do i want too kick her in the throat

Eh, these are decent imo. And they got some funny jokes. But as said on youtube, I don't entierly see the point of them. Certain parts feel dragged out and whatnot, and others seem pointless to include. Though, I guess it is a kinda "needed" thing to have something like this with how popular twitters, tumblrs and whatnot are currently. They've at least not become worse since they started... technically... or at least not from what I recall. There's always kind of a few things that vary in them.

Anyhow, as said. They're decent, they work. And I guess people into the content, type of jokes or what have you really like these, which is good, since if it manage to entertain people, it has fulfilled part of it's purpose :P In overall, I've honestly never been able to place Zone anywhere. You've had the terrible porn with awful sound effects and noises whom I wonder why the fuck they invented them. You got the average to good porn games that just kinda slide past or gets forgotten. Then some just odd/strange ones that can really vary in quality. Then there's the "regular" generic stuff that just pops up every now and then , not as bad as the "porn" (or whatever to call it) but it kinda just "is there". Then there's the rare stuff that is actually good, usually around 1-5 of these per year, these are the ones that get noticed and remember for at least a year. Then we lastly got "Zone"... it's quite hard to nail down, since it kinda slithers around. It doesn't do overly much in voice wise, but it doesn't have bad voices, most of them are actually even rather good (along with some bad), which as said, tends to be really rare for adult animation. Most seem to take after "irl" porn in the sense of constantly screaming like they're having orgasms all the time or making stupid comments and what have you.
Prolly a bad idea to write a review at 05:55 in the morning, but eh. Likely won't be noticed anyhow with the tl:dr rule hehe. But anyhow, same goes for style. It looks "flashy", but still something is "off/different"... and zone is not alone with tentacles, yet they do it differently, and ofc, there's a lot of semi-first person stuff. But even that manages to be different to an extent. The sound effects could be questioned, but as said, they could be a lot worse, some even are good. And I know how hard it is to get decent freaking sound for porn. I still kinda wonder whom decided ejaculation has a sound... among other things. But yeah, Zone is Zone, it's imo it's own category. Might be partially since it'd been around for ages and is "done" in a certain style. Though, I will still admit to being flabbergasted over that they did a couple of "female focused" things. Such as having the girls in the flashes starting to get to orgasm as well. Along with that one long flash. Was a few things about it I was a bit "eh" about, but I know it's aimed at guys, so can't say much about that. But still, did not expect that at all. So yeah, they've managed to surprise me multiple times, which almost have been solely unique for Zone when it comes to porn animation. Both with content, type and genre... or whatever these things are called. They've always managed to make something new, even if just with a twist to something technically old. And they change content despite staying within the topic. And again, the fact it¨s too late shows up in my failing for the correct words xD

*Ahem* Anyhow. Do know this ain't a negative review or anything like that, I am just honestly curious and perplexed to see where Zone will be going in the nearest years. And while I wouldn't expect Zone to act on it, I wouldn't be surprised if they acknowledged that females actually also are interested in porn. (the already established male base is easier to target. But they seem to know at least, something overlooked/ignored by many.) In either case; curious to see what's next.
All and all, it is decent stuff as said. It could however do without a couple of the things in it imo. But that might be just what some of the fans like, so I dunno. They are the priority over all.

um...... what did i just watch?

