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Reviews for "WorldBox"

Why the game tends to destroy distant towns with constant rain of meteors? What is the point of this? One per thirty seconds (well, estimate) is too much. Anyway I hope you will update it, so we will be able to actually play this instead of watching.

......I made my plugin crash over and over.

great concept, nice work. but please make it a real game =D

I agree with Bastion24 on this one, it is a great concept and a well done simulation. However to be considered a game we need some game mechanics and definitely a overall goal. Good Job!

Really seems like a great concept, only it's not really a game as it is. I would love to see this built upon with a few more game mechanics and some sort of objective. Keep up the good work.

Let's be honest here, the reason people play these sorts of games is mainly to torture innocents. We'll get board if you only let us torture them one way. Sure, we can drown them, incase them in rock, or shove so many of them into a small expanse that they starve to death, and that's great, don't get me wrong. But think bigger. In your next updates, I'd like to see war. I'd like to be able to throw in some dinosaurs, maybe a Cthulu here and there, and terrorize the townsfolk.

Oh, and I suppose you can add some things for the types of people that maybe don't like those things. Things like having them advance into a space age society and move to other planets. Or start making shrines to worship and/or taunt you. If they're running out of food, let us spam farms like madmen. Or, if we'd rather see if they can get themselves out of their situation, instead of letting God take care of all of their problems, we could throw some raptors in there and make their lives a tad more difficult.

How about after we get board of that space age society, and we blow it up, relics of their society are left over on their earth? Then, if we decide to make another few villages, they can find those relics and use them to advance quicker?

I think this is a great idea. Sure, it's been done to death, but not in this nice, pixel style. I'll spitball some more ideas for future versions. I had to give this a low score though, because its simply not finished. I'd love to give it 4 stars just for the idea and its sheer potential, and I will if you make it better, but as it stands, this game is simply not complete. And this isn't really the place for incomplete games.

If you end up adding a bunch of features to this game, I'd love to see a notification tab. Something like "The People of Planet A are at war with Planet B!' or "Village C is heartbroken over the tragic meteorite strike over Village D, the sorrowful random flood of Village E, and the complete annihilation through fire of Village E."

Well, I don't know about you, but that's what my tab would look like.

Conclusion: Good work, but currently there's just not enough here to constitute a full game.