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Reviews for "Reign of Centipede"

Definitely a good game with some serious potential. I would get started on a sequal and fix some issues and add some more content.

few noteables mentioned already, cant get rid of soliders or buildings, game gets extremely easy after a certain point. I actually forgot I left the game on and it finished itself out and I didnt even get touched.

the weapons were nice. add some variety in there. like crossbows and frickin lazer beams.

boss battles?

more level variety. just the same islands and background with a different layout.

once again, great game, just needs more to it.

Nice game and idea,pherhaps a bigger map (not just 4 platforms),different planets pherhaps,with different cliamtes that can affect the units(in this case some special buildings too?),more units,upgradable units and weapons,higher unit limit (100?), and make it more addicting,pherhaps add some campaign mode,besides this unlimited mode,anyway nice game

Fun once you get going, but some objectives and turrets would have been nice.

Very fun game, Unfortunately flawed with game ending glitches and bugs. Sometimes bullets will appear in front of you once fired and do no damage. Sometimes Your character will magically become invisible. I do love the weapons, the soldiers the enemies...The game is great aside from the little bugs.

Excellent execution and fun gameplay but too easy.

1. Buy a desert eagle
2. Shoot bugs until you have $250 (the hardest part
3. Build tall building.
4. collect money until you have enough to build a medic shack

Once I had these built I didn't have to start shooting things again until wave 60.