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Reviews for "Nuclear Plant"

Could use some improvement. It would be a great game if there were perhaps trees in different landscapes ie maybe you grow one tree here and one tree in another sector but you have to get in between each sector with some logical progression. Secondly I feel like you started a great story here but just shortened it. Expand you've got a great Idea so please run away with it.

too much like balloon in a wasteland. the story was classic for a "shoot and upgrade(?)" which inst a bad thing but it was much too short and easy.

Also im a whore for upgrades and the potential for such things was extreme for this game. Traps and gadgets would have been interesting as well as using science points to level up weapons, traps, your character and/or whatever else besides just buying the research tree (which was small and tasteless).

I still had fun playing but it leaves something to be desired.

There's no way to evade the enemies for as long as you'd need to to avoid taking damage. They move faster than the player at constant speeds and always move towards him. Even without the flyers blocking the way, they cluster too much to be jumpable, and they come from both sides and/or move towards whichever side you might try to go to. So the only way to stay alive is to keep buying extra health. Shooting them before they get near you would seem like the best move, but it takes like 6 or 7 upgrades to enable the weapons even shoot where you aim, let alone do any real damage before having to reload. Maybe I'm just not playing it right (choosing my upgrades poorly or something), but it feels like the upgrades just gradually take it from broken to playable. It'd be more fun if they went from, like, basic to awesome.

Interesting, but not very entertaining. Most of the time just standing in front of somthing, hitting down and waiting. Health upgrades were useless, couse i got hit one time in the entire game. Same goes for weapons, just decided to wait until the last weapon and killed everything with the sniper. ofcourse with fast reaload, but still. Maybe even the handgun would have been enough.
It lacks some challenge, even the final fight is easy. Just stand there and shoot in one direction.

I like the concept and all, but honestly, the single enviroment won't give us an understanding of the world. I don't see how shooting bugs will grow a plant to bring oxeygen into the world. The action is solid, wish we had a bigger play area and something else to do other than shoot things.