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Reviews for "SS - The Four Elements"

I don't believe God will allow anyoneo to the New Earth. If you love this world then you will be destroyed with this world.

And many people do love this world and its materials.

Wouldn't it be funny if America got into sooo much debt, that not even the whole world could pay it off if they truly wanted to, and then we all went into a Global Economic collapse, and money lost it's value, and then after that, we say "Fu*k the money"and chill out. Personally I like that more than the idea of us having some kind of nuclear war (also it's more probable considering that Obama is the one who wins).

Still, it's going to suck for a while. On that picture I'd say that the bigger the spiral gets, the faster we go around it (i.e. it took more than 1mil. years for the planet to evolve life, which was the second smallest spiral in the picture, and then it took even less time for humans to evolve from dinosaurs the 4th spiral in the picture), so lets see, it's been about idk 300-1000 years since we started paving our roads (the 5th spiral), So I'll assume that the part where things fall apart lasts for around 20-30years (as an optimist) and then only after that, only the people that make it through will finally be able to enjoy the pleasures of having a great consciousness.

Just wondering, was any of that correct at all?

another thing, since science tells us that we are becoming a more unified race, does that mean that when this higher consciousness thing happens, we'll all be relatively the same?

This is really cool.

But it goes to saying that many religions still find conflicts with each other. I assume everyone's got it somewhat right and somewhat wrong.

Is it logical to assume that our existence came from one source? The Big Bang? God? etc.

If so...is it logical to assume that 'one' particular religion is correct?

Or do we all have just parts of it like a puzzle piece? Is everything one?

Like the parable of "Seven Blind Men" the Indian story of the men and the elephant?

This series seems to encompass both scientific and creationist theories.

Almost as if the fact that our imaginations could very well be the conceptualizing ideas of both past and future events, inventions, situations, etc.

Perhaps it's not so much as to 'why we made wrong choices, or why there is evil.'

Perhaps it's the fact that these random occurrences happen by means of free will and our chemical reactions indicates that we are learning and growing by observation, experience, and essentially...suffering or stress.

Evolution states that we are in a type of mutation, natural selection, gene flow, and genetic drifting.

Hence why we have evolved so different as a single species. From different cultures,skin color, height, life-span, etc.

Much like how a past species split apart *missing links, to evolve into apes and humans, it is entirely possible that humans will continue to evolve into something different.

*Clap* I don't care what the others say, you did well dude. It is nice to believe that everything is connected, and that you believe the world is still on it's path. I like how you were informative yet not pushy on the issue.

And @Alvsyn, Creationists don't believe in science, so your argument is already false.

I understood all of your ideas, while it's true that it was a bit jumbled, I wasn't confused at all.
I believe I may share your believe that everything is connected.

RiverJordan responds:

Thank you for the review :)

at moments like this I'm really glad I stopped believing. It's just to complicit. better to believe there is nothing but science and the unknown witch we will discover instead of letting hundreds of people fight over there theory's and religionâEUTMs. Not like that idea that everything is connected. That is just our on brains playing tricks on us.

P.S. You probably did very well in kindergarten

RiverJordan responds:

I say, we can discover the unknown :)