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Reviews for "Madness: Project Nexus (Classic)"

I really love the game. I play almost daily. There are a couple of things that don't work as smoothly as they could, imho. These may seem like nitpicky things, and I'm sure some of them are related to the fact that I am a sore loser.
Please note that these issues are the exceptions to an otherwise top-notch flash game.

1. Precision: I haven't the foggiest idea how this could be addressed, but it seems like the game is very imprecise with regard to what you do when you hit space. I often walk up to a switch or locker and find myself flipping around instead of opening it.

2. Focus Fire: The little focus fire thing that bigger enemies use is hard to avoid when a melee weapon is equipped. Usually I have to swap to a ranged weapon, jump out of the way, and then switch back. I'm unclear as to whether a melee weapon can parry the shot or not. (It just occurred to me writing this that maybe I should be taking cover.)

3. Zombies: I understand it's supposed to be hard to shake a zombie, but unless there's a trick to it that I'm missing, it seems a little harder than it should be. I often shake a zombie only to be grabbed by that same zombie a moment later, simply because they can grab me before I react to being free.

Also, flailing my fingers around in Google Chrome is a good way to get the window closed (Ctr+W) on accident.

Again, awesome game, and I can't wait for the next update/expansion!

Krinkels responds:

If you're moving around while pressing Space, you'll flip. You need to hold still to activate interactive items. This is to prevent you from opening lockers in the middle of combat.

When fighting zeds, you have a small window of opportunity to dodge to the side before getting grabbed again, if your character's strength isn't high enough to outright throw them away from you when you break loose.

Sorry 'bout the window closing, but we're trying to come up with an out-of-browser version (or follow-up game) that would not face that same issue.

1)I only get a white screen
2)Does it save and where?
Answer plzzzzzz

my account is not maintained on this site, why?

How can i download it ?

Great game! I love it! If you're deciding on playing it, definitely give it a try! One question though, does it save?