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Reviews for "Decision"

Not a bad game. It's well put together, got some alright graphics, and contains plenty of zombie-slaying carnage.

My biggest issue is that it quickly becomes repetitive. As in, soon after I had captured the tower and factory in the 7th area, I was now basically grinding for money so I could max out my upgrades and buildings... gets a bit stale, ya know?

Personally, I would have added some ways to keep things interesting for at least a little bit longer. Maybe add another mission type or two. Perhaps have random events occur. For example, "A massive zombie horde has accumulate and is attacking tower / factory at region X! Defend or lose your tower / factory!"

Though that's just a random idea, anything extra will do.

Oh, and by the way, it seems quite akin to other games I've played. Almost as if a lot of the game play was heavily pulled from other games (my biggest reminder was easily Dead Frontier). I swear, the moment I started playing and moving around and shooting stuff, that's all I could think... it felt like playing Dead Frontier.

Also, I didn't find any explanation of how rage works. In fact, I didn't actually know rage existed until I accidentally activated it while defending a generator. Even after it happened I had no idea what was going on, and had to make it happen several more times before I started figuring out how it works (still a little confused, because it seems like every time I reach 3X rage it just shuts off abruptly).

I'm not sure about anyone else here, but I don't think it's very likely that a zombie (supposedly just the reanimation of a human, thereby possessing the same abilities and physical structure of a human), could take a rocket to the face and get back up. I could understand if you missed by even a few inches and it just blew the zombie away, but the zombie got back up (after all, gotta kill the brain for it to stay dead), but it'd be little bits and pieces when directly struck.

Just seemed very strange to me... especially when the shotgun-toting zombies could take not one, but TWO rockets and stand back up.

I think one of my favorite parts was that bad-ass new Armor Games intro. Very nice.

All in all, not bad. It at least looks great and is very playable. The main ding is that it gets boring pretty quickly and the way it works and plays has mostly been done before. Sorry about that.

3 / 5.

what the heck why can zombies throw stuff?

Another top-down game on Newgrounds about the zombie apocalypse, not really new. Even though it's been done before, there's enough extra content to make it feel fresh.

A nice feature that was in the game, was the ability to switch between reasonable control schemes. The first control scheme (which I think was recommended) was a comfortable setup where W and S controls the distance between the reticule and the player, while A and D are more like "Strafe" keys. The other setup was a traditional WASD control scheme, the more familiar one. Obviously, the majority of players probably chose that one.

The game also adds on a "Job" feature, similar to a game on the IOS devices called "Nightworld". Sadly, the jobs aren't really "new" to gaming, so you'll see a lot of generic missions.

Not bad, but nowhere near as good as the sequels.

Its alright