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Reviews for "Defense Ghost"

I like the basic idea of the game. But the controls are pretty laggy/buggy. I think the text needs some proof-reading in a few areas.

It's fun, but it won't let me buy defensive weapons. I can buy new guns and rifles, but I can't buy towers.

Also, the grey tabs for guns and traps on the left of the screen has only a small area that responds to the cursor. The full tab does not respond completely, only a small grey parts, but not the white words or center part of it.

Please add instructions also. I could figure out enough to play with the guns, but more information is always helpful.

It looks like this is a balloon in the wasteland knock off. It's not bad, but there seems to be a fair bit of incomplete content. The defensive guns don't seem to work, it's lacking WASD control, scroll wheel doesn't change guns, and it gets a bit repetitive.

The blaring grammar error every time a wave comes gets annoying. Also, as everyone said, the towers are unpurchasable. I also don't like how the waves sometimes stop way before the bar indicating the wave has ended. And the flying enemies have no way of hurting you. You can ignore them and until the grounded enemies are gone to deal with them. Pretty alright, but Balloon in a Wasteland is much better.

Too many grammatical errors, Every gun above shotgun is overpowered. Game is very repetitive and music is very annoying. Blam this piece of crap.