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Reviews for "Madness Scene Creator 5"

best game ever besides all the madness interactive games

F1Krazy responds:

Thank you.

pretty awesome, dawg. but i have to suggest (and im sure youve already gotten suggestions for) muzzle flashes. also empty shells would be cool, and if you can different heads facing more directions.
anyways.. pretty rad. like the music too.

F1Krazy responds:

Yeah, I'll be adding those things as soon as possible.

Wow this is one of the best scene creators going but all u need to do is fix the mute button get more characters,blood,guns and the bug fixes that go behind the character. but still the best scenecreater ever


F1Krazy responds:

Thanks dude ^^

Really good scene creator, The way you made it allows for great variation.
The only thing that's missing though is muzzle flashes for the guns.

Really cool thanks !

F1Krazy responds:

Yeah, I'll try and add muzzle flashes if I can make room for them.

Whoa, serious issues here! Alright, since this is a scene creator rather than a game or movie with a beginning and end, I think the best thing to do is list the problems rather than put them in a paragraph:

1. Mute button doesn't work. Sorry to bitch, but it doesn't. It's not that hard to type in stopAllSounds(); so why not do it?

2. The graphics are incomplete. There are tons of weapons and objects from Madness Combat that are missing, especially in the melee weapons category. I understand sprite crowding is an issue, but that brings me to another problem...

3. The interface is awful. It might be nice to have some kind of display box pop up, rather than having to hold down keys and press and hold to resize or rotate objects. Even as it is, there are issues with layers, and I've found things to screw up while resizing. I think the _xscale and _yscale are disproportionate with each other while enlarging and shrinking items.

4. No reset button. Say I screw something up and want to start over. Well damn, do I have to wait through an advertisement all over again? Apparently so. This should be an easy fix, man.

5. Copied and pasted sprites. WHY?!?! The least obstructive and easiest-to-use system for a scene creator would be to have a list of all of the sprites as buttons, possibly a scrollable list, and then have those buttons spawn your objects through linkage. This would reduce lag, make navigation easier, reduce crowding on the background, and it would make everything look much more elegant. It would also be great for deleting objects from the screen if they were resized wrong or something. Really, I can't recommend this enough.

6. Twitch-reflex rotation. Why do you have to just time your clicks to get your rotation how you want it? If objects had a pop-up window when you clicked on them, you could manually type in a rotation between 0 and 360 to make scene creating much, much easier!

I don't know how well tuned your ActionScript skills are, but if I were you I would look at the level editor in Happy Wheels or Crush the Castle and try to mimic those, as they have very pretty and easy-to-use interfaces.

Some terms to look up: getNextHighestDepth, getDepth, loadSound, useHandCursor, attachMovieClip, stopAllSounds.

F1Krazy responds:

Hoo boy. That's a lot of criticisms. All of them justified, I guess, so let's get down to it...

1. I did at least say that the mute button was broken. I think I tried that code in MSC4, and then it didn't un-mute itself again, there must be something I'm not doing right >.>

2. Yeah, there just isn't enough room to fit everything in (because of problem No.3), I wanna fit more in but physically can't.

3. I know, yeah. I just sort of crammed in all the items and code without thinking. I used to put everything in separate layers so I could keep track of and fix layering issues, but this time everything's in one layer so it's harder to do that. And I really need to fix the scaling issues.

4. I'll look into that for next time, it does seem to be a recurring request.

5. Yeah...this is the big one. Back when I made the first one I had no idea how to make things duplicate, so I just copy/pasted everything multiple times. I never learned the code for duplication, and nobody else really had an issue with it until recently, so I just kept it like this. I did get the code for duplication recently (I think it's the same method you suggested), but I felt I was too far along at that point to just scrap everything and redo it. I will fix this. Maybe not in this version, but I will fix it.

6. Maybe I made the rotation system a bit too fine this time around ^^'

As for how well tuned my ActionScript skills are...well, not very. I'd like to have better interfaces for everything but at the moment it's a bit beyond my skill level. Some of the other stuff, I'm sure I can try and fix.

I will definitely look up those terms, although some of them look familiar, probably from haphazard attempts at trying (and failing) to use them.

Thank you. This is probably the most helpful and detailed review I've gotten in a long time.