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Reviews for "S.O.P.A. got fingered"

Let's cut S.O.P.A's head off

U got my sword

Down with SOPA and PIPA

The tanks of creativity and freedom will blast down these destructive bills!

I have to Agree

S.O.P.A. Is A bad thing. Stop Online Piracy Act not only infringes upon Basic Rights of out very Constitution ( Freedom Of Speech ). Sure, Piracy is a Messy thing that messes with revenue flows, But S.O.P.A. is Signing Away your Rights. As I was reading Through Comments as I usually do, I found that At least Two NG account holders Don't seem to know what S.O.P.A Actually is
This is Something that Anyone Who supports S.O.P.A Should know:
If this passes You loose Facebook, YouTube, New Grounds and LITERALLY MILLIONS of other Websites that have User posted content because S.O.P.A. Gives The power of Censorship to the Government (But its actually more for Big Entertainment Industry leaders). And Under S.O.P.A. It becomes Everyone else's problem to worry about because it gives Big Entertainment Industry leaders The power to sue you for EVERYTHING that you have because they felt like you "Pirated" Something, And if they decide they don't like a Website, S.O.P.A. Also gives them the power to shut a Website down With NO DUE PROCESS ( Another Constitution Violation) if they Even think that something Infringing is There.
And now to borrow something from TheRandomDot:
"Now, picture this. With SOPA in play, it would be amazingly profitable for Big Content proviers to hire some folks under the table to go to sites, like Facebook, Youtube, NEWGROUNDS ... and post infringing content just so Big Content can roll in and start grabbing everyone by the short and curlies to threaten take downs and lawsuits. Imagine the power they have. They don't even have to take you down, all they have to do is THREATEN you. You, being a site owner, and your whole fucking livelihood is based on your site's revenue, will do anything to appease someone that can shut you down at the snap of a finger, especially if, unbeknownst to you, one of their under-the-table-paid lackeys posted some infringing stuff which now makes YOU responsible for hosting infringing content.

SOPA would basically make Big Content GOD of the internet. They could do what they want to whomeever they want, cause a bunch of witch hunts, coerce folks into doing things, run small businesses out of business (b/c they can't pay the lawyer fees to fight it)."

And if this passes Think of Everything else that will follow in the world! Every Country with a Leader that wants complete control will Pass laws like this that limit freedoms and give them COMPLETE control of the flow of information that reaches the people, Leaving them Unknowing to anything but what the government would want them to know, Leading it all to a Distopian Society ( Meaning everything is as bad as it gets)

And don't forget P.I.P.A Either! It's Nearly the Same thing with a different name but it has a few different tricks to Achieve the same goal!

I KNOW I'm Being Boring and long winded BUT THIS WILL CHANGE THE FUTURE FOR THE WORSE IF IT PASSES If you don't Care about this, Shame on you, If you Hate me for telling you what i know, Do it, It wont bother me at all.
If you Support Any of what I'm Saying Please do WHATEVER you can do to stop Both P.I.P.A and S.O.P.A! your Children will Thank you when this ends up in an American History as a failed bill that had the power to Completely Destroy the Net as you know it this day! I know That this is Massively long and will probably be flagged as Useless But I don't Care! If you Read this entire thing then PLEASE take action and write to your congress members! And if they don't listen to the people (like they generally do) Then Refuse to Vote for them in the Elections so the same Idiots don't get into office and Push through Liberty Crushing bills like this! Please! Take Action! Everyone That Says No To S.O.P.A. and P.I.P.A counts! Every Voice added will make a larger impact! Even Other Countries Are against this bill, WHY THE HELL Would our Congress?!?!

If you read this all.... I hope that you carry something away from all of this.
Long Live The Constitution And All of its Glory! Don't let them Ignore your American Rights!!!