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Reviews for "Welcome To Gameshop"


I liked the flash, well animated, good voice acting. The point was well driven. Though, I don't find the offers annoying. Remember people, it's a business. They have to make money. They stop offering all their extras? They don't make enough money to pay you to sit there and do nothing in the store all day.

I love the humor

As much as I loved this as with all parodies it is very exaggerated. People that can do any sort of lower math know that card saves money like crazy. I did not realize that two emails(maybe three) was considered heavy spam. Games are pretty universally priced at most stores unless there is a sale going on. If you bring in a game that was worth $60 when you bought (probably six months ago or better) why would you expect to be given anywhere near that amount? as for reservations, put money down, pick game up, get free stuff added, this is not a hard concept, but if for some reason you can not seem to remember that you spent money then it will be given back to you(as a sign of your ineptitude). Lastly, if you think this is how it truly is then why would the company constantly ask consumers to take surveys so that they can gauge how happy that they all are?(most of them are by a HUGE margin).
Pretty sure that covers the main points.

That being said being of employ at said establishment I try my best not to come off quite this strong but some of my coworkers can. It reminded me of them and when they get shrugged aside by returning customers for the more favorable crew. Keep up the great work.


This is so very true. Game stores used to be fun and awesome places to hang out, but nowadays there's so much bullshit that doesn't even matter to wade through! >.<


As a former employee of this fine company (eh) I'll have to mention to you that noooooo the guy behind the counter is not trying to piss you off (unless you're a annyoing faggot), he's just trying to pass his 6 hr shift for minimal wage trying not to explode or kill someone with a hatchet when the fifth-hundred dude asks you why the new xbawkx fifacodbattlefield of war doesn't have enough explosions and he'd like to return it because you can't cut someone's throat with a shoelace. And no, you're not 18 yet. And no,I can't sell you this game because your fucking mom will come into the store and sue me.

Cut the employees some slack, I hated the whole bonus-this-bonus-that stuff as well but with some suitguy breathing down on your neck (the whole bonus-fuckery was his idea), you better just do what your job description tells you.

Also I never got why people that supposedly hate gamestop still go there. You can sell your games at better places or on the net. No need to put up with the gs prices, tho I doubt there's any other store that will buy ALL of your worthless uninteresting games you spilled soda onto.
Nice short regardless, tho I don't really like the tweeny style of this. Maybe work with more frame-by-frame animation?


8/10 Since I have to really turn up the volume to hear the voices, but I do agree about the product pushing.

However I don't think you should completely blame the employees, more like its required of their job to do ask.