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Reviews for "Invertion"


Right in the description the hopefully attentive reader will note that the game will be Portal-y. But how far does the inspiration derive? This is a question that will no doubt haunt the player.
The story is very simplistic, a framework designed to give the game some premise. It does its job, but tried a tad too hard to be vague. I don't know about others, but I certainly haven;t seen much on the ways of vague logs. That sort of defeats the purpose of a log, no? Technicalities aside, it sets up some interesting questions. Who is she? What disaster? What all happened? these are questions that, like Portal, remain somewhat unanswered, but unlike Portal, this game doesn't even bother trying to address these. Sigh...
The gameplay is marvellous and inventive. Cloning is a recurring element in flash puzzles, and so is toying with gravity. Mashing both makes for some interesting puzzles, and trying to keep track of all four clones is an interesting task. Many of the puzzles required only to keep track of one or two clones, which usually meant in later puzzles having to walk one particular guy around a death trap while the other clones were conveniently walking into a safety wall. The game does require the player to eventually utilize all four clones effectively to progress, but it is not until the last level that all four have to be kept alive in order to proceed.
The gameplay is smooth, and the animation is crisp. Basic, not flashy, and it gets the job done.
The music has a decent melody, but the percussion is annoyingly constant.
The voicing is clear and audible, and fortunately does not randomly cut out when the character dies (that was nice). The text is conveniently placed so as not to block the player from important objects, and is an easy-to-read font (and spelled correctly!). Much of the flack that arises is for the voice.
The voicing in the introduction is designed to draw the viewer towards Glados. However, the similarity is not strong. The aspects of Glados that are accentuated is simply the Glados that wishes to hurt the protagonist. Other's have pointed out how Glados behaves in Portal, so I won't do that here.
Aside from the intro, the color palette, and the voice, not much connects to Portal. But the game literally talks with an attempt to be Portal.
Is it a true homage to Portal? Or did it just take aspects of Portal because the developers were focusing on gameplay and thought that if they made some weak Portal referances, they could pass it off as a Portal-inspiried game and not have to do any thinking into character work or story.
Good game. Play it for the innovative puzzles. Just don;t expect Glados to be convincing.


Cool it, people. If something closely resembles a very popular game I think it's fair to say that it was on purpose. The author made an original game, but decided to give it a theme that is an obvious tribute to Portal. And the theme fits this type of game.

Paying tribute to a game does not point to a lack of creativity. Nobody said "Keep it original" when people made flash versions of Portal (and called it "portal flash" or something), or any replica of any game for that matter. I'm not saying that all the commentors are dumb, you are all allowed to have opinions, I just wanted to stick up for the author.

Great game.

I personally do not quite understand why this game hasn't got a score above 4/5.
It has a cute artstyle (I think the robots are superquite!) and some good music. The puzzles are challenging (sometimes even too hard), and the 'Glados (sorry, she just reminds me of Glados) does a great job of scaring you or creating a portal-alike atmosphere. There are a few bugs (split, and you will push your clone of a small platform), but they do not ruin the fun. I hope you guys are already working on another game, because I think you are very talente: the details you put in the robots (blinking, breathing-moves) witness how hard you've worked on this.
Congratulations for creating an awesome game!
P.S. Maybe you could make a version for consoles with extra levels, more hazards and a story? It would be pretty cool...


its OK fun but its stupid once you begin but when you start to play its fun

Thanks for the puzzle fix

Im a puzzle junkie, it keeps me off real drugs (kidding).

I like it. Stylish, music fits, balanced inrements in difficulty and good idea with the voice that teases the player each new lvl. Also love the intro, but the voicing could have been better acted out according to the text imo.

Overall very well done, hope to see more.