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Reviews for "~Strange Thoughts~"


The animations in the intro are a bit slow, but still enjoyable. The game itself is a bit weird, but can be funny to kill some time. I liked the "floating" here a lot. It makes it hard to control the character, but I think after a while one can adopt to the controls easily and get very far in this game.

A quick introduction to the game would be nice, thogh. At first I didn't exactly know what to do, which items I can collect and which ones I should avoid. I then noticed that you describe that in the author comments. But I still think a "how to play" button on the main menu would be a good addition. Only one screen is needed to explain the game. You could list all the items we should collect and list the monsters and hallucinations as "don't hit those".

{ Review Request Club }

Good game

Okay, while I have isses with the controls, overall, this is a good game, with a good level of playability and the medals just add to the attraction, giving an addictive little aside that people just want to play more of.

The sound is good, as is the opening animation, though without actually having the skill to complete the game at the moment, I lack a bit of knowledge, such as the meaning of life (i.e. the game itself) and the game does throw you in at the deep end, without much of a tutorial. By telling us that W keeps him flying, I had to deduce that A, S and D were used to work as you corresponding controls. I was given no indication as to the meanings of the various things floating by and only stuff like Pizza slices and bottles marked H2O would really give an indication that they would do me good, so it was pretty much a trial and error approach to playing the game.

If I were to work through it, I'd need a more responsive set of controls, a slightly more detailed tutorial and perhaps a level setting, where Mike goes through various different trips over different days of the week. Yes, the tutorial is in the notes, but having an interactive tutorial is much better for the users, as not everyone reads the author's comments (I do, but that's because of the fact I'm a reviewer)

[Review Request Club]

Well it wasn't easy, But I beat the 5000 point mark. Pretty fun game I'll admit.

TharosTheDragon responds:

Thank you and congratulations!

kinda minimal..

I realize there is very little time in these game jams, but still I think this is a pretty minimal game, I think you could have added some features. The character is pretty hard to control; which makes it more luck- than skillbased. Good art though! and good job on finishing in time!

DreamEater responds:

Thank you so much J-qb; you are definitely right though, we would have liked to do more but our "time differences" between the team members really jacked things up.

Regardless, we had fun and really got to know each other; who knows, we may even produce something together in the future with more than a 3 or 4 day deadline :p

Thanks again for your kind words buddy, we all appreciate it!

its a fun game i enjoyed it though a larger space to move would have been nice.