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Reviews for "Breaking"

Deadmau5 would be so proud. Good job!

I could totally hear this playing at the cluuuhb. Great tune, man. You've got yourself a follower.
The arpy lead that plays during the second riff is a little edgy with the mix. You should consider lowering the high-mid freqs a bit. Maybe add some reverb too, and that should settle it.

Keep it up!


Great stuff this :D. Loved the funky feeling it gives :). It's been a while sincd I've hear some proper retrofunk. I loved how you arranged the different parts of the song, and managed to keep it interesting without changing the melody too much. I also liked the melody btw XD.
One thing that i think could use some work is the mixing. Especially the mixing of the subbassy synth.
It really clashes with the lead. You might also need to level it a bit differently as the sub is a bit too loud for my liking.
Around 2:50 you use kind of a distorted guitar-ish synth. This could also use some work, as it really hurt my ears listening to it. I think the main problem with it is that it's too loud, but it could also use some mixing work as well.

Other than that I really liked it :). It had a really nice feel and I really liked how you varied the drums as well :D. I'm by no means a good mixer, but fix the mixing and I think this will be great :D.
Keep it up ;).

Voltus responds:

Hey thank you very much for your Review, glad you liked it.

Whats up with the mixing complaints? You're not the only one who noticed this. I referenced the track in the studio with everything sounding fine, what monitoring system do you have? The synth around 2:50 is just a sudo randomly resonating filter with a lot of reso. What I didn't mix in the studio was the sub, I don't have a lot of tools for referencing that at home so that might be a little too much. IDK I try my best but am always kind of bummed when people point out my mixing is too loud, mushed or whatever. Anyways thanks for your review and as I said I'd like to know your monitoring setup.


The starting rhythm makes me think of people starting up a rave and just starting to enjoy the night.

The one thing that seems to feel out of place with this song is the deep synth bass. It has a ping pong and reverb effect to it but it feels out of place as far as tone goes. I feel running it through a different filter or possibly making a new synth bass from scratch would sound a lot better. I don't know, the synth bass just seems so out of place a majority of the time.

The main synth sounds great. Makes me think of older Sonic the Hedgehog games when exploring cave areas. The constant step rhythm it has is wonderful to listen to.

The drums are good. However, I think the drums bass kick could have been filtered a bit more, just seems like it has a bit more noise than there needs to be in the mix. The claps, snares, hi hats, and crashes all sound good though.

Overall, congrats on front page. The synth bass is the only thing that seems to feel off to me even though it does not sound to out of place for most of the song after the first minute.

Review Request Club

Voltus responds:

Thank you for your detailed Review! The first bildup should sound a bit dissorientating and open. I wanted to make the listener feel "oh whats happening" kind of an attention raiser. Maybe I just overdid it a little for your taste. I'm glad you liked the overall Song though!


The beat at the beginning is catchy. It’s a little slow to develop, but I like the atmosphere that starts fading in at around :31. I enjoyed the pitch bending at 1:15 and the subsequent frantic synths at 1:23. Still, it’s pretty minimalistic for the first 90 seconds here, and I’m hearing very little strong melodic content in general. The piano at 2:33 was an interesting and welcome addition to the texture. You do a good job creating structural ebb and flow here, but overall there’s very little sense of coherence here. I can see how all of the independent riffs are related tonally and thematically, but you need to flesh out and develop some of the ideas you have here more instead of just moving on to the next one. Otherwise, the piece seems directionless and jarring, and the ending will testify to that (it felt neither conclusive nor appropriate; I would’ve at least added some more reverb or a ping-pong effect). The atmosphere of the piece was amusing, and it’s extremely catchy throughout, but you could’ve done a lot more with this. The mixing and mastering are both solid, and I enjoyed your synths. If you planned out your composition more carefully, this would’ve been a top-tier piece. It has that potential, but right now the scatter-brained structure just doesn’t work for me. Sorry. Keep at it, man! ;)
