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Reviews for "Rise"

Not bad. I hear you like the Nexus vst? :D

larrynachos responds:

I love nexus <3

I will 5/5 anyways!
I like it. Just a few things that needs fixing.

-First, it starts randomly. Transitions are important in trance music. An intro or a transition at the start will give the "oooh" factor to it. It's like, how a guy always tries to get the girl who plays "hard-to-get". You gotta make the start of the song "hard-to-get" so people will lean into. And then when they lean into it, it will explode into something great making their hearts pound to the beats. ^-^

-The bass is overpowering the kick. There needs to be a sidechain on that. Assuming you're using FL Studio, looking the short tutorial from FL Studio Guru's YouTube video, kick and bass. The side chain will make the bass volume softer every 4 beats the kick comes into. That will also give more of a pump to it.

-The kick is a weakling. More compression and EQ might solve it, but it could also be the fault of the bass like I said before! ^_-

I used to produce music but I don't anymore because I don't like doing it anymore.

larrynachos responds:

Woa, late reply o.o

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. I'll try to incorporate it into my next song!

This is a pretty good track! I recognize the nexus lol x3 You should try some extra filtering and automations for transitions and such, your intro needs a bit more build and your drums are a bit overpower. Also you should try leaving a bit more room in your mix because at times it does get rather cluttered. im not sure if you have reverb on your bass but taking that off would really help in the mastering aspect too. I like your melodics tho! If you work harder on the mastering and mixing side of your tracks you might have a better chance next year.

If you could tell me what you think about my latest track "My World" That would be sick as **** :D

larrynachos responds:

I'm terrible at mixing, so the instruments never blend together properly. Automations are nice, but I really didn't feel the need to include them in this song. I agree with everything else, though. Thanks!

You have a wild way of playing with basses and synths, I'm impressed.

I'd have appreciated a gradual increase in volume when new synths are introduced... it otherwise sounds abruot. The chorus section, so to speak, really heightens the feeling of being lost in the music. You have an otherwise amazing sense of buildup and resolution, inspiring highs and lows, and leaving us to anticipate climaxes.

Your piece ended really abruptly...

I have no complaints about mixing.

This is trance, this is what it should inspire. A feeling of being lost in the dance, not wanting it to end. There was a bit of repetition, but not unduly so; you switched your atmosphere quite a bit.


larrynachos responds:

Aw, I thought I concluded with a smooth outro. Maybe I should have let the reverb ring out a bit longer. I'm surprised that you said there were no problems with mixing. I think mixing is my weakest link. To me, the instruments seem to just pile on top of each other, instead of blending. Eh, as long as you like it. Thanks for an 8/10! ^_^

I really like the opening. That dominating lead is really cool. ALL RISE. COURT is NOW in SESSION.

When the drums come in it feels like you could add something else too. But it already sounds absolutely crammed jack full of sounds. By the time you add the salt and pepper percussion it's already not really fitting although it fits better with more instruments so it was probably designed for that.