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Reviews for "The Last Stand Union City"

Epic... & Thats Not A Word I Use Often!

This Game Is Hard To Fault, Apart From The Few Doors I Found That Are To My Knowledge 'Unopenable' (Church S.O.S Safe Point Etc)
Other Than That I REALLY Enjoyed This Game, So Much So I've PErsonally Played The Shit Out Of It, One Thing I Would Like To See Though If We Are Going To See A Forth 'Last Stand' (Which Myself & Anyone Who Plays This Game Hopes There Will Be) Is That If You Pick Up & Use, Say A Bat/Board Or Any 'Breakable/Dullable' Tool Of Destruction Of The Zombie Hords That Eventually It Will 'Dull' Or 'Break' Causing The Damage Given Out To Be Lessened, Perhaps Adding A Bit More Range To The Shops Selling Weapons Would Be Nice.
Even Dare I Say Chances Of Trading Arms, Munitions, Food Stuffs Etc To Other Survivors.
I Know The Above Review Reads As If I'm Being Picky But To Be Fair I Actually Struggled To Find Flaws In This Game.
Oh By The Way When The First Mass Zombie Group 'Pounced' On Me Via Breaking Through The Ceiling It Shit Me Up No End Lol!
Thank You SO Much To All The People Who Helped In Anyway to Create This More Than Welcome Edition To NG!

pretty good but has some issues

i found a glitch item called "undefined",after picking it up it would no longer let me see my current carried wieght,i cant even use it & it seems to apper in all inventory catagorys

there was a point where a massive wave of zombies came through the celing & my companion got knocked down & wouldnt let me help him back up for some reason so i had to leave him

speaking of companions,their AI can really suck at times,they sometimes decide to randomly run to one end of the area so you have to chase them & while grappleing a zombie they dont do anything to help?
if you were in a zombie apocolypse & the person who could possably be one of the few left uninfected was struggling to keep a zombie away from his head,wouldnt you help kill it rather then just stand litralyl right behind him & watch?

sometimes when i turn my flashlight on,it for some reason seems to lag the game to hell

something that annoys me is,if your standing right over a zombie whe it "wakes up" then you can get stuck there,it being able to attack you while you cant move or hit it

it also sucks that they cant use ranged wepons,or atleast it wont let me give them any

anyway,i didnt find any other problem with the game yet so this is a rather short review....still

4/5 + 7/10

Fantastic game.

This game has got to be the best zombie game I have played in many years. The only thing wrong with it, is the fact that it's not longer. Make another like it, only 1000 times bigger please.


man...one of the best experiences playing flash games on the pc BUT OF COURSE IT NEEDS A SEQUEL!!! I WANT TO DISCOVER WHAT HAPPENED WITH JACK AND OUR UGLY WIFE, and one question:is that guy named Jack the one we played in the last stand 1 and 2

Zombie RPG at its best.

Who'd of thought that Roof breaks would mean 'its raining undead'. In all honesty this would be one of the best zombie rpg games for flash player (heck ~19 MB isn't that must of a size for the amount of epicness present here). Although at times it does become repetitive but the excellent choice of weapons and mini quests make it worth your time. As mentioned before the storage could use a bit of help as well as the number of stat points given per level (2 or 3 would make it a bit more easier and the 10 for other skills is good enough). Junk could have been sold to earn some more cash although to be honest i never felt low on ammo or weapons at anytime so it's not that much of an issue. To conclude great job Con-Artists and great production Armor Games, you've done us proud. Keep up the great work.