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Reviews for "Thelemite"

Insta-kill+Button Mashing= NO

like the art, techno music and prototype style and the text between mission control and you is good but the gameplay is stupid. First why does everything bar the sh*tyest of enemys (first mutant,plant thing and military) kill you in a hit? why?
It ruins any form of plan structure for a long time because the game basicly say "mash buttons" until you get annoyed at being insta-killed and figure out its weakness or quit. (sorry, but what the fuck is "special_treatment? if your gonna drop a hint on the day of relase, don't make it a retarded one Yeah you said you didn't want to spoil the fun so why not wait a week or 3 and then do it, you had the top spot and then front page so its not like the game would be forgotten). The fat gray mutants are a great example of this, they have got to be higher than you it insta kill you but any distance above you will do so it just looked like they were ramming you for half the damm time.
Take the advice of Blessing 2 down from me Sosker, then take mine (and facepalm ^^)

Sosker responds:

You didn't forget there are powerups, did you?

ha got you

this game is like the prototype game but its awsome


The Good:
-The climbing is fun.
-Everything feels fast.
-Anything feels better when combos are involved.
-The music, sound effects, and beating people up are all really awesome for the first 15-20 seconds.

The Bad:
-Not much of a game, just "mash this key over and over while you listen to techno!"
-Sprites in general are overused and pretty much always look crappy, do some animation, dude!
-I can understand momentum carrying you when you run, but when taking a single step feels like you're on ice there's a problem.
-Secrets aren't fun to find when the creator of the game basically leads you to them by the wrist before you even play. People are smart, and newgrounds has thousands of visitors every day. If there's a secret, trust that someone will find it. It's a little condescending to assume that no one with internet access can find your secrets without your help.
-If there IS some oddly specific secret that no one could find by luck, wait 6 months or so, and THEN drop the bomb. People who were done with your game will come back, plus you will have given the diehard easter egg hunters time to take their crack at it and they won't feel like they're having easy mode forced upon them.

To all you complainers out there

To defeat the last boss you need to keep hitting him while avoiding the fire blasts at the same time. Once you see a little smidge of health loss on him, then uberpower is activated. You then can attack him I think 4 times and you'll win the game.


IF you wnna beat the fire guy, then you need ubermode unless your really good. To get ubermode i think you need enough of the rock things. maybe. You can get alot from the snake monster.