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Reviews for "Fullmetal Arithmetist"


cool, but he also loses his arm. funny though

lmao hilarious :D

You should put in a sequel of them trying to do a root with a negative number in it. XD
lol... math humor.

Pretty good

I am giving this a nine because i have not seen anyone make this idea alive. It would have been better if it was more like the syle from the show. But i know how hard it can be to make it like that with flash. But I don't know how but how you made them look somehow made i funnier. I want to say keep up the good work man. I would love to see more great stuff like this from you.


xD You oviously tried hard on the animation, and I liked the I <3 PI poster. Only thing out of place is how your take on the opening was off, the talking ended before the picture even started to burn. Still, great job.

BoobMarley responds:

Wasn't too worried about timing that fire to the words. Thanks though.

Liked your take on it.

Animation was decent, audio quality was a little low. I've seen better, I've seen worse. Divide by zero joke is priceless. You could use a little ambience in the start, it feels a bit too quiet in that first few seconds as if there was no audio.

Piss on your fyi though, that's like saying you can't comment on the performance of the president if you've never been president. We can tell you what we like, what we don't like, and what, to us personally we feel would make it better. Being right or wrong on the other hand is a completely different topic. None-animators still might have a good suggestion you may not have thought of. Less you think you're perfect, then you're just retarded.

Protroll though, I appauld. If you don't care about the reviews and feel most of them will be useless, why bother telling us?

BoobMarley responds:

People willingly vote to put presidents in place.
This animation was created and published by the will of one man (me, BoobMarley). No one has forced it upon you, and its creation was not the will of a people. Someone made a much better analogy a few reviews ago about being a food critic. Go read it and take some pointers from him.

This little flash animation thingy that I posted to the internet is not perfect, and I am not perfect. But I don't have to be perfect to recognize shit opinions and unhelpful reviews when I see them. And I'll let you know as much because I care about defending something I put more effort into than most of you will ever live to. If that's an imperfection, so be it. Perfect or not, at least I can say that I always try, and that I act on how I feel. Again, much more than the likes of you will ever live to do.

There have only been a couple useful suggestions left on this animation. I have responded to them warmly, and have taken their advice to heart.
Most however (and I don't know how many goddamn times I'm going to have to say this, can't you fuckers just read a few pages back on the reviews to see that you're not posting anything new, jesus fucking christ...), are just comments telling me that this was funny, or that I'm a fag or a dick. Or some kind of dick-fag hybrid.

Anyways, cutting to the chase here, I give a fuck about people's opinions. But if it's inarticulate, unfounded (or worse yet, founded in ignorance or jealousy), or flat-out effortless, it doesn't merit my respect or consideration.
I hope this has brought you to a little better understanding.

That being said - I agree about the need for some ambiance at the beginning. I know people have probably been cranking their speakers up during the first three seconds, cursing my name and absolutely mashing the 0 button. Can't be helped though, I'll work out something better in my next flash. But thanks.
I appreciate you taking the time to watch this and leave a review.