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Reviews for "Grey Story"


very cute games it was a lil confusing you the begining because you dont really know what to do but i figured it out.
it very cute

Simple and Touching

There may be some different posibilities for the meaning of this game. But after a bit of thinking, I'm pretty sure what you meant is to lead us into the mind of a girl who's lost her love (can't tell why he died, though).
At the beginning, she feels depressed, of course. She thinks about him alot, sees him in her mind. The Depresion doesn't allow her see any colors, which is the symbol for happiness. She feels GREY - depressed. but after a while, she starts thinking about other stuff, like flowers, baloons and etc. As the game continues, she gets over the tragedy and moves on. Her lover slowly disapears from her memories (it doesn't mean she forgets him. She just succeeds not to think about him all of the time). Colors are slowly taking over her GREY mind.
The grave beside the yellow flower is a clue that this game has to do with death.
Maybe, I would have liked to see more clues, like this grave. Maybe clues about their relationship, or about how he died.
Great job, anyways!! I like games like this, which make you think.

Great Art, Bad Game

An art game consists of two pieces: Art and the game. Obvious so far.

This art game features splendid art. Everything from the music, over the basic art and the way the world gains color is absolutely stunning. It also features a "story" which allows much interpretation, also something that an art game has.

Game wise however, this submission is much worse. It features two basic components: A platformer and exploration. The platform component is absolutely dull. There is no difficulty, no new element of gameplay, nothing. The exploration part is also not very interesting. Unlike other exploration games all paths are open from the very beginning, thereby the only element of exploration is the question "What item will be retrieved next?"

Basically from the moment the first item is brought back, the rest of the game is already clear: I will retrive one item after the other, each time bringing back one color. Because of the lack of any surprising element and the uninteresting gameplay, the time needed to get to the end is actually painfully dull.

In my humble oppinion, art should always make the most out of the medium used. A film should have stunning visuals, a book should be well written. Art games should shine with good gameplay and make use of the interactivity that games offer. Otherwise one does need to use the game as a medium.

tl;dr: Splendid art, but makes no good use of the medium "game".

This seems like it should be a sequel.

Totally amazing, the back ground may not have been perfect, but it is the style that the color of the item returns to the entire place. It seems like a sequel and there should be one where we actually do get the girls love in the first place.

Really quite sad....

Good music brings out the game. I belive what your trying to say is its not worth helping some one get over something but some times it is.