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Reviews for "Run From the Sun"

I love it!

I'm totally hooked, this NEEDS to be made into an iPhone game!


its nice to see that this game isnt a waste of time at first i thought this game was going to be boring but you sir proved me wrong.


its just bigger planets should have more graviti other than that great game


Playing is eazy but getting the awards is hard. It is a predy good game. It has good grafics and autosaves. But is there an end?

Very Good

Run from the Sun:


+ The varied of different looking planets and moons there is some detail gone into it

+ They are well done and they go nicely with the game itself which it's idea and gameplay are very simple.

- A bit more detail in the game stuff that we see float in space crazy self found stuff this would make the game a bit more humorous.


+ The audio is nice and simple goes perfectly with the game and it gives that "Space is empty" feeling but at the same time that bit dynamic that says "Get the hell away from the sun"

- With a game like this i usually say this so it's not a biggie ask for access to the game so people can put in their favourite audio for the game or create a more varied audio styles we can choose from (But it's not a biggie :) )


+ The gameplay is smooth and nice keys function perfectly and it's easy to pick up

- Maybe the lack for upgrades like ogygen or the rocket goes faster


+ The scoreboard always nice to have.

Verdict: Very Good

Run from the Sun is an easy to pick up game that immediately shows what it has to offer an easy playable game with nicely done graphics and a fitting audio sound
A bit of audio difference is the bummer in this but no biggie
also upgrades would have been nice


+ Add some upgrades that increases ogyxen or rocket speed

+ This could rly become a mini game for your Ipod or Fabebook if you crank it up a bit with upgrades and maybe levels but what you got here is definately a step in the right direction

+ Ask for access to the pc for an audio this game isn't an RPG or FPS with a deep going story so it would be more fitting or create additional sounds for in the game along the idea of the game