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Reviews for "Invasion of the UST"

Educational themed flash. Graphics need to look more professional. You should make the instructions complete and easy to understand.

This was made on 7/12/11, and I am only the sixth person to review it.

A nifty tutorial

A good tutorial even if it is a bit dated some nice tips in here An interesting and ofcourse nifty tutorial, I like how you presented it and the content was notbad, a good game tutorial that you have created here even added a small twist in there, and thats what makes this one stand out from the rest so do hope you make more like this.



A lot better than the way I was tought.

I think that this will be good for kids to use. The librarian would get a break from trying to explain it, the children wouldn't have to listen to them drone ON and ON and ON (like I did). Now excuse me while I show this to my Internet-impaired parents.

Needs a lot of improvement

I have no idea what age kids this game is for, but it's horrible. The instructions are incomplete at times, and you should make it so the kids have to at least look at them before they are able to continue. Don't make the continue button available quite so quickly, let the page sit for a bit without it, so there's a chance the kids will actually read what's on the page. The subjects your are searching for should be a bit more interesting, so it won't bore the kids to death to use it. I had to use horrible "tutorials" similar in design to this one when I was younger; I would have rather been lectured for an hour by a teacher on the subject.

Also, at the University I attended, they looked down on using wikipedia for anything at all in research, unless it was about what NOT to put in your paper. Teaching kids to turn to wikipedia (which can be edited by anyone), is not the best idea. It's better to go with general search terms that use wikipedia for REAL research. (I am currently attending another college, 500 + miles away from the first one that has the same policy towards wikipedia.)

In general, this "game" selected what would have been the absolute worst answers at my University as the "best" answer. I could see a potential for conflict once the kids reach college.

MikeJSingleton responds:

Thanks! I was given all the text by my boss. I'll see what I can do about making it more interesting and correct.

What would you have preferred to use as a kid?

Google is much better

Ok the game is good but when you choise he fucking always say you are wrong nobody cares what i choise...maybe if you fix this but is gonna be better 2/5