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Reviews for "Universithing: Pilot"


maybe you should do stupid stuff based on REALISTIC things!!!!!!

Kreid responds:

That's how it's gunna work boyo!

Not too tall an order

You know, i think you should be able to pull this off. If the animation is right and you're thinking of making, what, 30-ish second clips for each "entry"? That gives you room to put in some solid animating without pushing you to have to make 10 minute animations cataloging your days. You could also combine the 30 second clips for, say, every week or month, so there's enough animation to keep people interested. This animation in particular was superb, i watched some of your other anims and i can really see the progress. I'd have to ask, any inspiration from Eddsworld? But i like this style, smooth and not too complicated (or that's how it looks). Nice job!

Kreid responds:

That's what I was planning to do, the original idea was to make a short clip every so often, then when they get to a certain length, put them all together and release them as an episode in itself. That way I don't have the pressure of making one huge toon, and it helps with the short "diary" idea I had!
And nahh, as much as the comments keep nagging about it, and as much as I do like Eddsworld, it wasn't intentional at all, if anything the art style took a slight influence from Bryan Lee O'malley, I was just thinking of a simple art style that's quick to animate on such a packed schedule that I'll likely have soon!

Would've had a better ending...

if you made the T-rex start nyaning too. Because I swear, everytime I watch it, the music goes RIGHT with the T-rex appearing making it seem like it should start shitting rainbows. Just sayin'.

Kreid responds:

But but but... nyanzilla man!


Keep em coming please! It looks like this is going to be a great line of episodes! Ya Nyan Cat!


Made me smile, looks to have lots of good potential, for lulz and shiz