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Reviews for "Cosmic Stream of Life"

its still repetitive to be honest

i liked 0-0:30 analog lead . Then you used what should be background as lead.

i wish the song was build more around clear analog . Also if you make song 4 minute long it needs more variety in melody .

EctiBot responds:

Thx for the review :D.
I know that it's still pretty. Repeative. Still have some problems with making varied songs, but I hope that I will be able to make more varied songs, but I hope that with the help of honest reviews like this I'll be able to improve the structure of my songs and implement more of my own style in my tracks.

As for the stuff about the analog lead and backround lead, The reason why I used that lead was because I wanted to give the song a feeling of light and energy so I used very bright leads.

Again thanx for the review. Really helps alot :).

It's definitely an enjoyable piece with a good groove and plenty of "punch" packed in almost five minutes. While the progression isn't bad and it welcomes plenty of transitions that feel pretty smooth and flowing, the first noticeable thing is just how loud the mastering is. I suggest you to turn down your levels a bit in order to leave some breathing space for each instrument and ultimately some rest for your ears. The problem is not just volume but compression that leaves your mix almost brickwalled. It's good to have a fair degree of dynamics between the synths and not having them all over the place. Other than that, it's a fairly enjoyable tune and that quite fits the artwork of choice.

EctiBot responds:

Thx alot for the feedback :D. Really glad you enjoyed it :).
Thx for the tip about the mastering. This song is basically only the 3rd song where I've actually touched the mixer at all X3. Thus I'm still learning and it's really helpful when people comes with comments on it :D. Will try tweaking the levels around a bit :).
I'll also look into compression a bit more. Real novice when it comes to that X3.

Again thank you for the review. I'm glad that you think it fits the art and that you found it enjoyable :D.

Great music , it like make people forgot their bad experience.

I think the melody you went with fits the style very nicely. If I'm being honest, I don't really listen to a lot of house and dance, but I think you layered your synths pretty well here. Some advice I would give you here is to maybe turn down some of your leads and risers. The kick is getting buried by the of synthesizers you've got going on. All you need to do here is level it differently and then I think it'll really sound weighty. I think the mixdown is pretty solid though. Nice melodies. Really positive and euphoric, as well as varied. Good song!

EctiBot responds:

Hey! Thx for the review :D. I'm glad you liked it even though you don't listen to this kind of music that much. The layering of the synths is probably the thing I worked the most on with this track. Got 7+ layers on the main lead alone plus another 3 layers on the progression, 3 bass layers and 5 kick layers so the xact that you didn't think it ended up all messy helps alot :).

As for the kick, I know what you mean. It's probably the sweep that is drowning the kick so just need to turn it a bit down.

Used 15 hours in total on the mixing(even though I was using a mixing template from a previous song of mine), so I'm glad you liked the mixdown :D.

Thx for the reviw :D. Helps alot every review helps me improve including this one so Thx alot :D!


I like it, I feel like it has a lot of energy - but I also feel like it's really repetitive, like you keep playing the same melody over and over and don't do much in the way of different sections. You do an excellent job of shuttling us between breakdowns, buildups and climaxes, which disguises this fact, but I can't help but think that if this were a 3 minute track it would have much more impact. I feel like after the third minute I've pretty much heard it all.

The only other thing I want to critique is the melody itself. It's too quantized - too many notes of the same length! It feels very robotic. Try varying the length of your notes and making more interesting rhythms - I think that would make the song a lot more interesting.

Really though i think the song is quite good and has a fantastic amount of energy. You've got mixing and arrangement pretty solidly down, now let's work on the other stuff!

EctiBot responds:

Thx for the review man. Glad you enjoyed it :D. I agree with your points, and I might implement some of your ideas in my upcoming songs ;).
Thx for the feedback :D! Luv ur music ;).