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Reviews for "Rapture: The Game"

Easy and funny game.

This reminds me a lot of the game "Communist in Space." There is really nothing more to say about this game since it is so short and is pretty much a joke (not offensively of course).

with purpose, or not

I died on purpose, hah die jesus!

The Local Pastor, Owes Me $200 Once Again.

Anyway, this game was okay, but it was not as unique as the little description on the front page led me to believe. All you do is just fly downwards, top down shooter style, and shoot crosses at the nuclear missiles. Shoot enough of them, and you win. That's about it. The real fun about the game though, is the parody, because as of now, May 21st has past, and I am still sitting at this computer, typing this message. I still have yet to turn into primordial tang.

Yes, it is too short

The game is too short, and some things could have been better but I realy think it deserves a 7, even more if the graphics and stuff are going to be updated.

Let's get a few things straight for both sides...

First of all this game wasn't meant to condemn or support Christianity, it was set to make fun of Harold Camping and his followers, the developer even said that in one of his comments.

Secondly the game wasn't meant to be an accurate account of Jesus Christ, I don't believe that the developer was trying to be sacrilegious they were just trying to make a short fun game.

Both the atheist and the Christians need to chill out and just take the game at face value, both parties are reading too much into this and it's getting really annoying.

Saying all that let the reviewing begin.

The graphics were alright. I really enjoyed the graphics to be honest I thought they just perfect for the short game that you made.

Options button doesn't work. I don't know if this is on purpose, but if it isn't you might want to look into that.

Music is annoying. Both in the game and especially on the main screen, PLEASE ADD A MUTE BUTTON!

Game play was boring. This was way to easy, that is all.

So in all I'm giving this a 7/10 and a 3/5, I think the game was alright sense for being made in such a short time.

For a last time, be careful of making games like this in the future, be sure that the description is clear that the game is just meant for fun and not to hurt, offend, or make fun of anyone.