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Reviews for "The Killer - gametrekking"


Simple idea, simple execution, nothing new and it went for longer than i thought, but its not about gameplay so i get that.

P.S. holy crap i exploded


a bit depressing

I'm not entirely sure what you want me to feel.

Note: For those reading this, I am going to spoil the ending. You have been forwarned.
First and foremost, technical stuff. I liked the visuals. I know many people say they are too simplistic, but I sort of liked that. I enjoyed how they were essentially nameless and faceless and I had to fill in the rest for them. The music was really what gave the atmosphere and it was an impeccable choice in song, if you ask me. Now, onto the main meat and drink of this: The message.
Your creation attempts to make a point about the genocide in Cambodia, but I'm afraid I just did not understand it. This isn't one of those reviews where it's "I don't get it, therefore you get a bad rating" I merely am unsure what you expect the response of the audience to be and, therefore, what your message is.
Having us play the part of the captor holding the prisoner is an interesting thing to do, as it makes us relate to the 'bad guy' as opposed to the prisoner who we presume to be an innocent victim. Forcing said prisoner along to their presumed execution was really rather uncomfortable for me. I stopped making him walk occasionally in the hope that it wouldn't end the way I expected it to, but the only choice I had was to keep walking. I was wondering in what direction you would take it, how far I would be forced to make this person walk and what would happen at the end of the journey.
The problem of my interpretation of this arises out of a few things.
First: I feel that the distance was simply too great. I can see that if you wanted to make us, the viewer, really involved with this you would make it a long journey. Problem is that, whislt at the begining I was genuinely quite unnerved by having to walk this person to his death, I lost that feeling after such a long time.
Second: The ending. the message that pops up if you stop is somethin to the effect of "You have to keep going to the field on the other side of the beach." Once I had eventually reached the beach I was anticipating what would happen when reaching the fabled Field. Suddenly, however, they both exploded. I was unsure whether an artillery had shot them, or if it was a mine. Judging from your post-animation blurb, I think you meant it to be a mine. This ending, however, makes me wonder what your intention was. If I was expected to feel uncomfortable about being the bad guy, you succeeded. If I was meant to sympathise with the victim, you succeeded. If I was meant to think "Woah shit, maybe it's not so clear cut as bad guy vs good guy as the bad guys are victims of brainwashing etc." you succeeded. But I am still rather confused as to your intention.
What I'm trying to say is that I feel you didn't end it well enough. The only real point out of the three highlighted above is the final one. The other two are just effects of putting me in the role of the preceived baddy as we are meant to identify with the innocent victims rather than the perpetrators. I only gathered this possible intention from the post-animation information you put up as text. If you need to explain the point of your interactive art with text at the end, in my opinion, your point isn't made clear enough. They both die in a random act which means their actual deaths don't have any meaning. I feel that by doing this, any power your creation could have had is lost.
The potential of this is tremendous. You could have made a very good point about almost any aspect of the Cambodian genocide, or the horrors humans exact on one another. I feel you didn't make a good enough point, or you didn't make it clear enough. Either way, I didn'd really understand what you were trying to say.
Maybe I don't know enough about Cambodia. Maybe I've completely failed to grasp a basic concept in your creation. Maybe it's that you haven't made this well enough or thought through the point you were trying to make.
When making this type of thing, your point should be incredibly simple if you want it to be effective. Afterall, you want even the most basic people out there (ie. Me) to be able to grasp your idea. I do not think you have done so.

To long

Story = 9/10
Graphics = 9/10
Music = 9/10
Game = 0/10

You should have put this as a movie instead, really doesn't suit as a game
It took to long to get to the field anyhow

its way to slow

and when the walking was all done i shot before it gave me the directions and i couldnt shoot anymore so it gliched and i had to do it all over again