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Reviews for "SS - Male and Female"

Fantastic delivery, yet sub-par content

You have a gift for communicating ideas, and the Flash Lecture medium works well for you.

That said, I find myself constantly irritated by the same problem over and over; none of the most basic counter-arguments are addressed. Whilst the concepts addressed here are indeed massively intriguing, there is the inherent issue of the ease with which they can be questioned. This isn't a massive problem, though. Indeed, it's something every branch of science at one stage would have to tackle. But it -does- need tackling.

I would feel much better as a viewer if you were to spare a small amount of time whenever you make a claim to consider what a sceptic would say, and address it. Even an acknowledgement that some suspension of commonly held thinking being required would help. This would be massively helped by citing studies and statistics, or at least demonstrating your claims. Credit where it's due, you do make attempt to link notions to things readers can familiarise with, but it does often come off as almost the hopeful linking of potentially unrelated facts usually reserved for the most resourceful of Moon Landing Conspiracy architects.

TL;DR: Fascinating and wonderful to listen to, especially for those to whom the content is new and interesting, but for the sake of science please present a balanced argument and acknowledge flaws and counters.

Right brain said whaaaaAATTT?

I wanted to write something to debunk what you have shown to us but, i cannot find a single shred of evidence showing that what you have said is wrong. I believe that the world needs to start being more open to the unexplained phenomena that is happening everyday more and more!!! Science is a wonderful thing to behold but it still cannot explain everything we encounter daily.


I find it a little offending to call it male and female energy but as you don't say that women have more female energy as male it should be ok.
But that your practicaly saying that children get more and more inteligent is something i just can't believe mabye it's because i live in a area in wich alot imigrated people live but i'd even say that you talk so highly of those indigo children wich have many of the typical ''teenager'' characteristics. and most teenager's are easy to convince through compliments that arn't clearly pointed onto them. because of that i'd believe that youre trying to convince ''us'' to join your sect (not ment offending) but as you don't give any information about some kind of meeting your probably just trying to convince others of what you believe is the truth
i probably have to explain what i've wrote above:
i didn't ment to offend any immigrants but i've noticed that most of ''them'' got problems in shool or work wich can't be explained through ''multilanguage-problems'' because ''they'' live here for some generations already.
further i wan't to part ''the'' immigrants from the country's they lived in before

those 10 things for indigo

3 and 9


Microcephalin is one of the primary causes for microcephaly, a horribly debilitating disease that prevents the cranium from growing as large as it should, and therefore limits brain growth. Mutations on microcephalic genes (genes controlling cranial growth) have been attributed to why the human cranium is so much larger than that on other primates. I was a little confused as to why you mentioned it on your video and was wondering if you could explain it in a future video, author's comment, or private message. Thanks a lot for all the videos on information on them, though. \o