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Reviews for "Retarded Animal Babies 23"

what is this?!?

Dave. What's up man? this is nothing like the other episodes. no mindless violence, or lightning coming out of a donkey. I mean sure a black cat shooting bunny, yaaaaay we haven't seen something like that before. couldn't he have like look deeply into bunnies eyes start making out with him and choke him with his tongue and then he bursts into a huge tentacle monster shoving ever tentacle into bunnies body and ripping him to shreds making blood and body parts go every where and then hamster says hooray!! I like Blood!! THE END that would've been a butt fucking epic episode if that's all it was. anyways, I didn't really care for this episode. all the other ones I think were awesome. Hope to see some new work out of ya soon!


it's just not funny. It's juvenile and pretty stupid. If that weren't enough it's not funny stupid, it's plain stupid... and quite boring. Don't like what i say? well too bad cause i'm not the only one

Whenever a New RAB is released my day is awesome

Wow, 23 episodes and still running strong. I don't know how you do it Dave I've grown up with this series since I was 12 and they still remain timeless classics. And each new episode I watch is fun filled joy to watch as I never know what I'll be expecting. No wonder it takes a year to release a new one to keep the series fresh and not overdone.

It seems that the humor is actually a bit more structured in this episode and actually makes sense especially Donkey getting smart is pretty funny to wach. Also Pico as a cameo was refreshing to see I was expecting the Recepionist to be NeNe though...But who gives a Shit?

Keep up the good work man your doing great as always!

RAB used to be good

But it's lost its creativity. You know the series used to be a lot more original but you seem to have lost the progressive side of the series, and it seems a lot more centred on putting memes, which has a strong appeal on the oh so majority the under-age newgrounds audience who crack sides at the sight of troll face or anything else they feel appropriate to 5 bomb collectively.

Philosophical donkey was funny though. I actually understood what he said - your clearly capable of much more Dave, which is why I'm going to give this a 3/5!

Less meme more originality. Because just the character persona's are getting a bit repetitive, and that's all I have to say.

Not sure if Puppy was labouring his ass off, like a reflection to what working and having a family is actually like, but you know I thought I'd give my thoughts is all.

Why adult?

I'd prefer the series to be rated M, T or E. See, I love E, I like T, M is okay and A is on a verge of death!