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Reviews for "PRIOR"

The First Picture

This was a very emotional ride. Proof? When you get the ability to double jump, go back to the place you started in, and look at the first picture there.
One of the main focuses in this game is the subject's family and actually, it looks to be a little TOO obvious, because there were pictures of his wife and family all around the place, but I guess it was alright :-)
But just saying, that FIRST picture was just horrible, I stared at that picture longer than any of the other notes or pictures, because..well..it's the subject's family, and who knows what happened to them. So..

The game was quite emotional, even though these characters are just boxes you know? But..the grip in the heart is still there.

Just wanted to say there were a few faults; lagging when you're in "Repetition" (too much animation going on with the lights?), when you press the buttons and pathways are revealed, and I've died before just by standing on the lift in "Lift" and walking into walls..Not complaining mind you, but just pointing them out is all :-)

Thumbs up, buddy! :D

Good Game

I loved the double endings although even after seeing about a few times i still don't get one or two of the notes or those pictures shown at the end. Still really cool and well worth a 5/5 10/10


Its a great game, music to match gave me chills.

good game.

now, this was a great game, in terms, of combining the gaming of a platformer/puzzle, and using your mind to get the riddles right, and to find your way, out of there...

tho, there is a feature i hate, and i must declare it:
the ''start over'' elements. why
starting over when you find the ending no.1, for, example, of the 3 endings?
why not putting a check-point, like, at the level ''attrium'' or at ''welcome'' and you can follow, the rest of the endings... (or revelations.)

so, while this is a GREAT game, it hurts the players/user;s patience when you uncover the one horrible truth behind an other, and you eventually get to start over. it's maddening!

so, in the end, it seems the rocket (or bomb) is used to prevent wars, and the scientist who created this, AND the super-soldier (the player), is havin done, a HORRIBLE mistake.
it appears, that the state of the testing facillity, is now derelict, and devoid of life, except: from the protagonist, and the guy who opened the (player's) dude's door.
-if anyone wants to know the story behind-
so, we know all the truth: the player, when administered the dose of medicine, he became violent, and accidentally kills his loved people... with that in realisation, he accepts to die in here, and a note appears, ''this is YOUR place.'' .
then, we have the scientist dying, cause he can no longer forgive himself, and when u even escape, the city is bimbed either cause you are TOO powerfull, or because of the war.

sad, sad, but good game.
i think you should do more games, like this, and develop this character. it has potential


waow its hella cool i havent completed it thow