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Reviews for "AchingDreams2 HentaiGame"

Pretty good dating sim

This was fun to play because the artwork was really good. What was interesting was that you didn't know what would happen next and you suddenly went into this fantasy world. The downside is that there just seems to be way too much dialogue. I had to skip through most of it and couldn't understand what was going on. Still, this certainly has charm as the artwork is quite unique. I just like it when my username appears whenever the main character talks.

Him talking was also a cool feature, even if the girl didn't. I had some trouble with this game at first and I did not know what to click. I tried it again and it seemed to work fine by just clicking on the loading bar. Anyway, I am glad I got an oppurtunity to look at this and appreciate the fine voicework. Most dating sim fans should like this.

hentaicook responds:

I'm really glad you like having your username show up when the main character talks.

Its ok but....

its a good game but its not really animated so i think its not worth 10$. If it was animated it would be worth 10$ even 20$ but the way it is its good but not worth the money..So gave it a 8/10 and 4/5

While I'm sure it's probably just me...

...I feel that the time allotted is not enough to really get through many parts of the game. Does the "restart with your progress saved" function supposed to keep your stats and purchases intact, or just the hentai scenes? Also, that damn castle. Usually you either die or "beat" the game, but there was one point where I rushed through the dialogue but I neither won nor lost, but instead extended the time by 3 days. Is that the only way to keep the time going? Because I wasn't really interested at all in ENDING the game, so much as I was keeping on PLAYING the game.

Got to say I enjoy a good indy game when I see one. I'd gladly pay for a full version if I could do so, as I'm sure I'd get at least another couple of hours of play out of it. (And when you compare that with movie prices these days, $10.00 is a cheap price to pay for 3 or more hours of entertainment)

My main questions are, who is your writer, and will the storyline at the beginning (With Jessica) Ever be fully fleshed out?

Also, if you're ever looking for voice talent, shoot me a PM. I'd be willing to do some pro-bono to help an aspiring game creator out, especially now that I've got a decent set up.

hentaicook responds:

I wrote 90% of it, but you can look at the writing credits at hentaicook.com. Jessica's story is included in the game already. You basically get to go back to the present, but it's not in the demo. Sorry, I'm not looking for a male voice actor. While the next game in the series will have a male voice, the voice has already been determined.

Thanks for playing.

NO CHEATS man that blows

hentaicook responds:

Easy mode is cheats.