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Reviews for "AchingDreams2 HentaiGame"


So tell me...you got some ideas off an anime known as Golden Boy? I don't know it just feels like it....lol....

hentaicook responds:

Goldenboy was an inspiration. For those of you who don't know what we're talking about, go to youtube and watch it right now, it's recommended/essential watching from me and RocketFist.


I don't think Tweek273 was accusing you of plagiarism. I think he meant that you were reusing images from your the first AchingDreams. And you do, which is more obvious if you aren't paying for the RIDICULOUS amount of new content you're charging for.

Moving on, I really enjoyed your game, and you have my respect for striking out and doing this. Your art is a little rough...but I can't hate it.

A few things though. The voice acting is pretty inferior. I especially wish I could turn off the shopkeeper's voice, but that one isn't an option. I addition, I think it's cheap to offer voice acting but not have them voice act the sex scenes. :P

Also, I've had some glitches with the animated portions of the game. It doesn't load as fast as the text and sometimes shows the wrong animation.

Finally, the outskirts option really confused me. I think it could do with a different name...since you click on "Outskirts" twice to go to the actual outskirts. Maybe go to the "Outskirts" and then there underneath "Cave" give a tab for "Cathedral" or whatever.

Well, I've really enjoyed your free version of AD2, and I think for the content and sheer originality of work, $10 is a pretty fair price, just not one I feel like paying. I'm content with what you've provided for free right now.

Thank you for the privilege.

hentaicook responds:

You have a good point about the outskirts thingy. I'll rename it to City Gates sometime.

About not paying for it, that's cool. It's worth it to me if you just write in your review instead, and I do understand that not everybody has the means to pay for a game like this. Lotsa kids on this site, what can I do? (quick disclaimer: I nor Newgrounds, nor redtube have any real adult content protection over the little brats, only their parents do)

I'm taking a Barnes and Noble business approach about it: you come in and play, and if you feel like it, you'll purchase it. If not, well, maybe come back a few sequels later and you'll find a sequel that you feel is worth your money. I want to work for your money and I'm absolutely thrilled to make these games.

As far as voice acting goes, next month we'll have a big patch out including voice acted sex scenes. I can't afford to pay them much so they're volunteers. As for the sex scenes, there're a multitude of reasons being that Flash doesn't lend itself well to huge games like this, maybe it's your isp, maybe it's a bad webserver (but I assure you that the hostgator server's pretty kickass), and maybe it's inefficient cutscenes on my part. My honest answer is, if you're living outside the US, your mileage may vary on the loading of these scenes. Most people do not have a problem loading these, but going forward into next year's game we'll take extra precautions to make sure it loads better.

Thanks for coming "OutoftheShadows" to play my game.

at Tweek273

dude you need to think about the fans you may like Japanese hentai games but not every one does i my self like this game npt sayinng i'll buy caise i dont have money to spend on stuff like this but yea

Pretty good

This wuz cool until i found out u had 2 buy a full version and i hate 2 say it but the 1st wuz a little better in sum wayz no offence but u still did good atleast better than wut i wut've tried but thanx 4 making this

Yea right

Sorry but I've played much better quality games for free so if you think anyone's gonna pay ten bucks for this, well maybe start actually animating some stuff instead of it being a bunch of pencil drawings and copies from the last game KTHxbai

hentaicook responds:

I kind of agree with you. In Japan, they've got all these quality games that quality companies make; there's an industry for it over there. Over here, not so much. Some people tend to "recycle" (cough..steal...) content from Japan, so you can always play that stuff for free.

Do I think anyone's gonna pay ten bucks for this? I really wondered that before I started this project, but now that it's come out, I can actually afford to close shop and buy my own private island and call it Serenia. 2D beats 3D though, so I'm good.

Pencil drawings, yes, but copies, please show proof of this; it's kind of offense to an artist if you're going to claim plagiarism. Ya got me right here in the heart buddy. Unless you're talking about recycling elements from the first game: guhilltee!

Tweek273, stop being so cynical. I know you love your Call of Duties but there's gotta be shmucks out there that want to support a small time, independant developer shmuck like me.