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Reviews for "AchingDreams2 HentaiGame"

Got to say I enjoy a good indy game when I see one. I'd gladly pay for a full version if I could do so, as I'm sure I'd get at least another couple of hours of play out of it. (And when you compare that with movie prices these days, $10.00 is a cheap price to pay for 3 or more hours of entertainment)

My main questions are, who is your writer, and will the storyline at the beginning (With Jessica) Ever be fully fleshed out?

Also, if you're ever looking for voice talent, shoot me a PM. I'd be willing to do some pro-bono to help an aspiring game creator out, especially now that I've got a decent set up.

hentaicook responds:

I wrote 90% of it, but you can look at the writing credits at hentaicook.com. Jessica's story is included in the game already. You basically get to go back to the present, but it's not in the demo. Sorry, I'm not looking for a male voice actor. While the next game in the series will have a male voice, the voice has already been determined.

Thanks for playing.

hurry up abd load god damnet!

hentaicook responds:

Good girls come to those who wait.

Hey I like this game a lot. But I really am having trouble buying it. I really would like to support you, because I believe you guys work so hard to make games like this and it takes a lot of time. But How do you buy it I tried contacting you guys, but the androgate system is so complex isnt there a simple paypal mechanism to pay for it.

hentaicook responds:

To buy, register at andrograde.com, buy the required coins for the game (1100), login in the actual game, and use those coins to unlock the game permanently. If you have problems with these steps, contact support@andrograde.com

The game is good but no one is going to pay to play a game like this dude when there are literaly 100's of other sites where we can find a good porn game. You should have thought of that. Not trying to sound mean. Still you would likely agree with us should you be in our shoes. Think from the perspective of the people who play your games. Would you want to pay to play one game when you can ind 100's of other free and complete games on other sites? Again not trying to be mean. I like the game and I like the first one but if I had to choose between playing the two i would pick the first one since I don't have to pay to play the full game. Also sorry if this seems kind of long and ranting.

hentaicook responds:

Sure, I'd love to debate why someone would pay to play a game.

Not my game, mind you. I'm not going to beg you or convince you to buy my game. No, let's debate purely on the merits of buying anyone's game. The world, you see, is a pretty shitty place. Look at the 1% holding all the wealth of America. If you were in the 1%, wouldn't you want to make sure your family was well cared for? Take a look at the monstrosity called SOPA. SOPA is partly our fault too. SOPA did not exist before the digital age because consumers were purchasing their music. But we've lost that way. Can we blame the recession for this? Are you a college student just trying to get by, without any music to listen to today? So you just take the music, and tell your friends how to take it. We enjoy being the first to instruct our friends how knowledgeable we are, even if the knowledge is evil. And so it's everyone's fault that SOPA exists.

I would classify Aching Dreams as an independent video game. That would make me an independent game designer. There are millions of video games waiting to be played. Why pay for an independent game when you've got backlogs of nintendo DS roms to play on your computer, or better yet, why not just pirate these indy games??

Maybe it's because you, Clsaa651, are an asshole. You don't tip your waiter, do you? Why tip a waiter when you're never going to see him again? Think about that. If you don't tip 5 times, that's a free meal for you buddy! You should teach your friends that. Maybe they'll make a new act like SOPA except dealing with waiters instead.

Clsaa651, I'm not just defending my game. I'm defending all games. People buy the game because they want the developer to be rewarded for his work. You said it yourself, you enjoy both AD1 and 2, don't you think your waiter deserves a tip? The people that buy my game aren't assholes. They're all Mother fucking Teresas, and they want to see Aching Dreams 3.

it's a good game, but i'm sorry i'm not going to spend money on such a small game that is only worth MAYBE one sitting. Sorry, making it longer would work, but I still wouldn't buy it ;).

hentaicook responds:

"Sorry, making it longer would work, but I still wouldn't buy it ;)."

Okay, how many nude photos of myself do I have to take for you to buy this?