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Reviews for "Tifa Doggy-Style Hentai"

To be Honest...

I was looking to report a stolen forward to report a stolen flash. :3

To many people don't submit there own work when it comes to this kinda stuff.
Nice to see some one actually make a flash!

I approve.

Kajio responds:

Yeah for most people it's steal something, or throw together a quiz game with other people's hentai (no credit of course) and calling it their own.

I'm glad you like it :)

Excellent work

I know you've gotten quite a few suggestions so far so some of the things I say might overlap some of the ones prior.

- Different music choices from the game. Not to mention a mute button for the music, sound and both.

- Different positions. Possibly ones you can progress through and once you've gone through them all a feature where you can stay on that one position.

- Better cum effects. NewgroundsSurfer08 has a great one with mentioning Tifas running down her leg(s).

- Better orgasms or at least for Tifa. Add some squirming in there man. Use your girlfriend as reference. ;)

- Add her Advent Children outfit and body style as an unlock able or as a choice. I think a lot of people would really enjoy that one. I know I would. (Not saying her game style and body type is bad but the more the merrier you know.)

- Different backgrounds and skin choices for the male character. So our friends of other colours can enjoy it a bit more.

- Maybe hands, maybe. Instead of just motionless them actually grabbing her or slapping her ass at random intervals or you being able to do it through a command of sorts.

It's pretty good for what it is. I would have added tit fucking and a blow job but I noticed you did that in a previous flash. Though you could always incorporate that into an overhauled and upgraded version of the flash. Also, her orgasm sounds cut off at times, kind weird...

I look forward to future works from you my good man. :)

Kajio responds:

1. Mute buttons isn't a bad idea... probably should have thought of that myself, really
2. My usual answer to this is that I like to make multiple games rather than one game with multiple positions. It's pretty much the same amount of work either way, and more games means a better variety of characters
3. Yeah that would be a nice addition
4. Hmm, nice idea. That'll have to be something I add
5. That's a good idea as well
6. Haha yeah, and better customization is always good
7. Yeah some suggested that to add for the milking, and ass-smacking isn't a bad idea either!

I think that adding a second guy for her to suck while she's getting fucked is a fun idea... I don't think I'll be able to make titfucking make sense at this angle, haha.
I think I'm going to try to find a completely new voice actor for her... Find some good japanese moaning, haha.

I gotta say, I like love all your suggestions! You pretty much single-handed came up with enough for me to want to make a redux of this. I hope you stick around and look at my future flashes and give the same great help on them too!


the flaws are:
-there is no option to disactivate sound/music
-the voice: thought it's a personal thing, with a japanese voice it would be better
-after you cum many times (if you didn't click the clean button) you stop cumming O-o weird XD

if it wasn't for this ^ there would be a 10 for sure =D

Kajio responds:

-Yeah I think there ought to be, I'll probably add that when I stop being lazy :P
-I agree on that, but it's hard for me to find free high-quality Japanese moaning without background noise.
-Yeah, that's mentioned in the directions. You can only cum 5 times without cleaning up. I had to make a limit at some point, so after that you cum air :P Sorry

OK i'll admit it was a good game

Kajio responds:

Much appreciated

I like this game but you may put more animations.