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Reviews for "Intelligence - New Enemy"

Colorful timekiller

Well done, love the addition of different enemies over time. Those big blue guys were great. I enjoyed the different enemy combinations across the levels. Little too easy but at the same time it kept me on my toes. Only think i didnt like was hitting pause to get the upgrade menu. I play wasd so i had to my moves my fingers off to do it. Not a big deal in this game but i didnt like it all the same. Loved the boss fights and the powerups. Upgrades to all the right things and affordable considering the length of the game. Good job.


I like it!

Two minor things:

1) Yeah, fairly easy. I lived to level 15, and I suck at asteroids-ish games.
2) The bar in the health meter is dark blue on a black background. I had to squint at it special, just to make sure there was something there at all. BRIGHTER COLOR PLZ

Very good.

I found it very enjoyable. It was a good game. The only thing I can really complain about is I found it way too easy. I didn't die until the very last boss and only as I'd lost some focus. Other than that I'd say it's a very sound game. Two different control schemes was a good idea too.

Keep it up.


that was pretty awesome

not much strategy to it. just keep firing, spining, moving and collecting powerups and your fine. for the "fire power" upgrade i think it should be the damage of each bullet not the widespread of them, allthough that can be in there just under a different name. the idea of being able to buy power ups is great.
and for some bosses there should be 2 of them not allways just the one.
and there should be more levels and a change of scenery every time you fight a boss. other then that great game!


Really well done with smooth controls, I did find a bug though, the "boss" ship, the white pointy triangle with a health bar that can raise a shield, well the second time it did that it collided with me and we became stuck together, neither can move, i can fire still but as it's not connecting it's not damaging the enemy ship, but the blue forcefield on the enemy craft is not going away either, we are stuck in a loop.
Other than that, very nice.