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Reviews for "Armor Mayhem"

Not bad!

Love the gamplay but some of the things he mentioned i kind of agree on. I don't see any problem with the data capture thing but i think the main problem is the AI. They don't get harder and adding more points and time just makes it more tedious. But the levels?! Are you kidding me?! There great! Especially the blue underground one.

So in general, its a pretty great game. I especially loved that epic voice. And even though it has it's flaws, this would be one hell of a multiplayer game if you have the time to put in multiplayer (i know, its hard.).

Lots of potential

The presentation is great. The pseudo storyline that accompanies the arena play is much better than having nothing, although an ending would be nice.

Bugs: Only major bug I found was that I was killed on Consolidate at the moment I reached the winning amount of points and it froze the game. Plenty of minor bugs that seemed like they had more to do with CPU usage. Does Flash use an elapsed game time method to keep things running smoothly? I'm more of a C# guy, wish I could help more there.

Level Design and Difficulty progression: This was the weakest part of the game. At most, the above comments alone would have only dropped you to a 9, but there are major issues in this category. See below:

1. Bigger is not better. The larger levels were less fun than the compact levels.
2. Data Retrieval should be renamed "Run with a ball against the clock". The only data retrieval level that required 2 (NO MORE) teams to cross paths to get the data was the first one.
3. More kills, more captures, more time does not constitute a harder level, only a more tedious level. Seeing as AI is a pain in the ass to tweak, your best bet is to just to add more bots to the opposing teams or design the level to give the computer an unfair advantage. I had to capture 20 data points on the 3rd to last mission... I didn't enjoy it, I just got carpel tunnel syndrome.

OVERALL: Great look to the game, who cares if the genre's been done before, it was fun. Later levels suck, but there's a map editor, so I can't be too mad at you ;-)



this game is insane
its the vest gaim evar




This has multiple problems, among them being the fact that this has been done before and better. Bottomless pits at the bottom of EVERY level? seriously? and ALWAYS right in the middle? That's already less than stellar level design, and when you factor in the fact that the keys seem to like to stick, it becomes wholly impossible to play the game. There is literally no reason to play this game; the Unreal Tournament Flash series is superior.