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Reviews for "Robot Clashes"

Seems good but i have a problem....

Why cant i upgrade stuff?did i miss something?ive been trying for the past half hour to get past the first level but i am unable.The tooltip for upgrading has never ligted up and i clicked them over and over but they are unclickable....

I doubt im short on resources as i have 3575 energy and 1299 kills and counting... what the hell man :(? i love games of this type and wish to play this one completely- anyone care to help me?oh also ive read the instructions over and over they do little help...


This game is ok, but there are a lot of things wrong.
First, the grammar and spelling are horrid. That, to me, ruins a game. Its the easiest thing to perfect in a game, and seeing as many mistakes as are in this game makes me sad.
Second, the game is...just ok. There's nothing special.
Third, you get an unlimited amount of troops. It just makes this game a lot less challenging. And really takes away from the strategic part of this game.

This game has potential, but as of right now, it's poor.

It's ok

Defiantly should change the "real-time" to a more faster pace, maybe a fast forward button. It's almost impossible to rack up all the talents and your level after level 19, I mean I beat it twice and still don't have enough. Needs more bosses and enemies. But other than all that I enjoyed it and feel like it has the potential to be great.

Could use improvement

A few problems, I think if you made a second with these changes it would be nearly perfect.

1: Robots should cost to build.
2: Upgrades (not "talents") should be something you drop onto a robot, to keep from making mistakes.
3: You may want to make some sort of global upgrade (aside from talents)

This was a very good game, while I'm sure that the above isn't everything that could make it better (might make it worse), I would like to see another.

Good, but needs some work

I really like the graphics and the general gameplay, but this needs some more work.

The story could do with a bit more interest, rather than just attacking the next base each time.
Perhpas most importantly, given that gameplay is very similar the whole way through, you should really get more exp per level at higher levels. Strategy and tactics takes almost no place here, it is just a matter of upgrading and getting them out as quickly as possible, something that means that I never get to see the actual fighting taking place, because I have to be hovering over my base waiting to drop. Given that, the only way of passing the higher levels (unless I'm missing something) is to grind, grind, grind and then grind some more. And that only gets you up one level, but you need three or four levels to get the high level skills, which means literally *hours* of grinding the same level or two...

Also, I really don't like it in games when as soon as I get an upgrade, my opponent has it too. That gets rid of the whole point of having upgrades, especially when I had to grind so much to get them....

Another, less essential, point - weapon packages are picked up if they fall right on top of the soldier, armour packs aren't. This means that when you are trying to get them all out as fast as possible (because that is the only things to do in order to win) often the armour will miss and be picked up by the next guy, which messes up your whole order.

I dunno quite what else needs to be done. As I said, I did enjoy this game, I did play it through the whole way, but it could be really classic, and it isn't.