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Reviews for "*Flight*"

What is hapenning with the medals i can't unlock them.

Is there any problem cause i cant unlock the medals

Well crap; revisiting this game to try and get the medals I haven't unlocked made me take notice in just how many technical issues this game has. Especially considering I'm not even going to be the first to note them, and yet they're still present even now. I know the game is fairly old in terms of flash game years, but that doesn't excuse just leaving it out to gather dust; especially since if these issues were fixed I'd dare say this would probably be one of the best in the "flight" flash games.

For starters, a lot of the times the medals will just flat out not unlock. I've been trying to get the last four medals I need for hours now, but they just absolutely refuse to unlock. It's especially infuriating since two of the medals I need are ones of particular luck based to even achieve. I'm not entirely sure if this is a fault with the game or a fault with the site, but I thought it would be good to bring note of since it's still present. Especially considering the game will say I accomplished the achievement, only to see my medal still says locked.

Second, there's a wee bit of a sound error. If you go back to the main menu from the other options, it'll cause the music to start playing over itself. And if you do this again it will also cause more music to play onto the music that's already being played onto. It's fixed rather easily with just muting the game, but still it's something I should be brought up.

Sometimes the screen will also suddenly flash black in the game, and cause a fair bit of lag. While it isn't anything too hindering, it's still rather noticeable and adds more time to an already fairly lengthy game. It usually fixes itself after a few minutes, but still it's an issue.

Sometimes the upgrade menu won't even upgrade to show you how much money you've gained from the last one; meaning it appears as if you aren't able to buy upgrades. It can be fixed if you purchase an upgrade that you'd know the last run you had would pay for, but if you don't then you're stuck with you last increment of money as a basis to know how much you have. This is really frustrating especially when you're trying to put focus on specific traits.

By far the biggest offending issue is with the whole throwing the plane backwards crash; especially considering it's really easy to do accidentally when you're just trying to do a strong swing. It oftentimes just completely crashes my computer, to the point that I have to either wait a good ten minutes to even access task manager or I just have to shut the computer down by the power button. I would of thought this issue would of been a first priority to get fixed, considering how strongly it effects the computer; and yet here it still is.

All these issues are ultimately what's bringing this game down to a half-score for me. If these were fixed, this would easily get it either 4 or 4.5 stars in terms of just how lovely and fun it is.

the mystery upgrade makes you transform when you hit the ground

yeah OminousWind is right thats bull---- we need that update!