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Reviews for "Hiroshima"


I loved this movie a lot because it was truthful in the way you made it, and the animation, sound, organization of everything was fabulous. Your style is very original and I am impressed.

counter point to last review

The bomb in no way secured us any rights. By the time the bomb was used japan was incapable of any type of resonable counter offensive and thus was no threat to the mainland United States or our rights and government. The bomb was used to end the war quickly and to save the lives of american soldiers, but it did this by killing civilians instead. The direct and intended use of any weapon on civilians in war or any other situation is an inapropriate use of power and thus I don't believe we were wrong in using the bomb, but we erred greatly in its application.

Oh so true...

This movie is oh so true... The US had no real right to drop a bomb there. They didn't need to, they were just flexing their already overused muscles. Ben Parker said it best... "With great power, comes great responsibility...". The US apparently didn't realize that... My personal appolegies to Anyone from, or around Hiroshima (Even though that was in the past, and this is now) about that event.. and even though I'm Canadian, I'm ashamed of our neighbors for doing that... Thank you, good night.

Pretty deep..

The US doesn't owe Japan an apology, it does seem unfair that Japan's major action was against a military base and the US's was against civilians, but thats what happens in war. The only apology that needs to be given is from Japan to the rest of Asia, for the acts of savagery, inhuman, and sadistics acts they dared to commit.

Very Good

I felt that your flash was very good, but I feel like I have to say something in response to the last paragraph of your movie about American giving Japan an apology. Japan attacked America first. The bomb was dropped in hopes to defeat Japan. Their own government told everyone that the damage done to Hiroshima was minor, and they refused to surrender. USA then dropped the second bomb on Nagasaki and Japan gave in. Although USA never gave an apology, Japan never apologized for their attack on Pearl Harbor. Today, however, Japan and America seem to have a very good relationship. Innocent people die. That is just the result of that disgusting act we call war. Thousands of Innocent Africans die thanks to starvation as a result of their government withholding food. Innocent Jewish people were held in concentration camps and millions died. America dropped two bombs that killed approx 450,000 innocent people. Apologizes cannot bring people back, but learning and understanding one another can make sure it doesn't happen again.