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Reviews for "Mother Judgement"


Hilarious hook having a nun-wielding vigilante killing zombies (9.99/10).
As for the 'redundancy' that some people are complaining about, this is mostly due to the lack of checkpoints where we want them. For example, if I fail on stage two of the final boss, do you really think I want to do stage 1 again? It's not that I want an easy game, I just don't want to repeat the same gaming experience a couple times just to figure out stage 2.
Add some extra checkpoints, you'd have a perfect 10

Super fun game I finished it twice!

The game has bugs
In the level that I use elevator I get stuck in left corner

WTF is with the Flaming Diarrhea bug lol
When I get that bug my characters gets stucks and can't move she is like sitting and flames comes out of her ass

I loved the secret devil weapons you get after finishing the game.
I can kill enemies 1 hit with them and bosses so easy with them.

Let shooting button pressed after a while you will shoot faster than normal

For last boss just stay in a corner and double jump and shoot in the floor he may appear below you and you can shoot him

Beware after sword attack he sometimes shoots a bazooka while running away really fast.

When he files missiles don't get too close to him and you will be hitting him a lot and he will keep shooting. If you get too close he teleport away

For devil mode just double jump and try to land on him back and shoot him

Never be in front of him and close of he will charge at you toward the lava and you will lose lots of Health.

for needles attack just double jump

and for his last ball attack mode just double jump from one side to another(don't get to close to the laval and shoot the ball till he dies.


I've only gotten past the first boss, but my first impressions of this game are good. Amusing, fun and quite quirky. Honestly, an acrobatic, dual pistol wielding, zombie slaughtering nun - what isn't there to like?


But I discovered a bug during that spiting zombie on the eagle fight. When the nun is hit she lies down and never gets up.
But withouth, This game ROCKSSSS.

A surprisingly fun game, It is both funny and challenging. I never thought I would give this game even a 3 but it gets a 4.5. The sprites during the interaction scenes are the best, especially the first time I saw the priest use arm and hand gestures xD. The combat fits in well, and something I do appreciate is the fact that the bullet time is not a core function of the game, You can fight without it, and you don't get a lot of it in this game (unlike My Friend Pedro, which you can have bullet time the whole game, and it never runs out. Still a great game though~!) It's a bit flawed, but it is easy to ignore, especially when a bug teleported me and allowed me to skip a whole platforming scene :D.
Over all, unless you are hyper-religious, play the game, it is fun~!