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Reviews for "One Chance"


Only problem, should've warned about the no replay feature. I would've taken it more seriously.

good game

why, why did i chose to fuck a work mate instead of saving the world?!


good game...

You had One Chance to save the world.

Not the worst use of 5 minutes I've ever had. The game was very polished for how long it was, with my only real complaint being that the space bar interactions were a bit too... well, I'm not sure what the proper word for it would be, but I want to say eager (or maybe instantaneous? I'm not sure how to put it exactly). This could probably be resolved by having like a second (or maybe even half-second) transition between scenes, and for the actions that you can lose a day on, have some kind of confirmation that doesn't involve a space bar so you don't lose a precious day (considering you ONLY get six, period).

But anyway, this was a nice execution of what the concept I think you were trying to communicate. In games, death has been reduced to a mere bump on the road. Fall into an endless pit? Start over from the last flag you passed! Get shot in the brain stem? No worries, you'll respawn after a few minutes. Fail to kill the bad guy and stop his plans before the doomsday weapon goes off, ending life as we know it? Just load up your last save file; everything will be back to the way it was before.

We've become so spoiled in regards to second chances on choices we make in video games that we don't really think of their implications anymore. after all, who cares if someone dies or the universe ends when all you need to do to change it is go back to an earlier point in the game and use your knowledge to prevent making the same mistake again.

The thing is, in life, we don't get many second chances.

We don't get to see multiple endings.

We don't get to strive for 100% completion, acquiring every treasure and trophy we have a chance to win while never missing a shot AND keeping everyone you are responsible away from danger or even death.

Most importantly, when our game is over, no amount of green mushrooms or save scumming will grant us a continue. Death isn't going to give you a chance to insert another quarter, after all.

So how do we play to win in real life without the benefit of endless mulligans? Well, there's a few things we can do, and this game does a fine job of showing us them.

We can think our choices through. In the game, we only have 6 days to save the world. Every day, the situation becomes increasingly severe and even hopeless. You are perhaps the only person who can do anything about it. Are you going to stick it out until the end, or are you going to spend your last few days with those you love? Neither choice is without it's drawbacks, so we are forced to ask ourselves something. That something is not, "How do I win the game?," but rather, "What's the most important thing?" After all, whose to say that your efforts won't be for naught?

On top of that, we can trust our gut. After 5 days of research, the death of many important people to you, and apparently total societal collapse, you and a family member are the only ones left. You've failed. So how do you spent your last day: enjoying yourself, or giving taking one last chance?

Lastly, we can rely on the experience of others. Reading the reviews tells us what others have experienced, even though they themselves can not go back and change their fate. As the old adage goes, we should learn from not only our own mistakes, but those of others.

In conclusion, I thought the execution of the message was well done. I'm giving it an 8 under the impression that 7 is considered average around here, and although this was good, it lacked something to make it perfect. Maybe this kind of game doesn't need to be perfect, though. After all, what's more important: a number, or a message?

If it hasn't yet dawned on you that the entire point of this game was that you don't always get second chances and have to live with your choices (and their consequences) for the rest of your life, then maybe this kind of game isn't for you.

TL;DR: Game was above average. It had a good message, stop asking for replay function; it shows that you missed the point entirely.


This game was an amazing game! This game, in years, made me cry! I got the cure, and saved the world! These games life One Chance are AMAZING! Thank you for making this game, because it was an amazing game!