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Reviews for "Adapt or Die"

loved the concept but implementation was poor

i liked the game, i finished it and spent a long while on the custom game mode lol.
but it seems alot of people (including myself) are having difficulty with the controls.
drag and drop is a bad way of movement (as we have just found out) for large groups of stuff. personally what i found most annoying was when i tried to double-click to reproduce the bots, because the new bots went "on top" of the old bots and repeated double clicking or even trying to move the original bot afterwards is very difficult, it would be easier all round it the new bot appeared "under" the old bot so you can't click it straight away, thus resulting in the old bot being available for controlling or reproducing. unfortunately i can't think of a better way to move the bots around without using the right mouse button, so maybe find a way of using RMB?
Apart form the dodgy controls i was impressed with the game :D

eehhhh ok.

there is a problem with level 14, where the insects get the long rnge and high damage shots and you get nothing. the problem is tht they can shoot other hives from the safety of their group without even trying leaving you with about five or six bugs vs about twenty

Good concept

Its a good concept but I found it quite tedious to play. very slow moving, which doesnt normally bother me but there wasnt really much thinking to be done. The idea of choosing favourable traits and replicating them and slowly having them evolve is really good but its ruined by being able to walk over a 'mutator' and ruin all the hard work youve done pushing them in that direction. also, in the big battles you dont have a chance of keeping your eyes on one with whichever trait youre trying to favour and it ends up just clicking randomly.

So, yeah, good concept but could be better done.
(also, animations are awesome)

Clever diversion

It has a nice concept; interesting mechanics;
though I cant shake the feeling that it could have been a lot better.

The idea of sacrificing speed for armor, or armor for range, or range/damage for speed, or what-have-you, as well as selectively breeding for what you need is really cool.

However, I found that most of the levels were more about getting those first few bugs out as quick as possible so you can overtake your enemy through numbers (Boss hint; 15 bugs can take out a boss no matter how low their armor/damage, as long as you can keep them reproducing fast enough).

Nevertheless, the concept and game manage to stand on their own two feet to provide a clever diversion.

Pretty good

Not bad, kept me entertained longer than I originally thought...