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Reviews for "Super Pixelknight"


this game is...''sigh''....... i dont like this game im sorry i just dont like this

Okay, I guess...

This game really could've been excellent. It's an obvious homage to Ghosts N Goblins, nice level design, and varied spells, weapons, and enemies. However, it's drawback is a big one. The weapons themselves seem to do equal damage. That's a big problem, because their spells and throwing arcs are very different. I.E.-The boomerang. The boomerang is slow, and has limited range, yet it does as much damage as the quick, long-ranged dagger. The ax also has a weak through, but does as much damage as the rest of the weapons. It seems that you'd only pick a different weapon for a different spell. And while I'm talking about the spells, the work a little odd. Some spells have a shotgun spread to them, but, a monster can only be hit by one of the projectiles in a given spell. While that helps with being surrounded by weak enemies, when you get the tougher enemies, you can't hit them with the full force of a spell to take them down quickly. That really should be the player's option to try to hit several enemies with the spell, or to use it all on a tougher enemy. This is very important with the bosses. In summation, it just seems unfinished.


good game but most of the fucking ledges take me so long to get over!!!!!fuck it

Pretty solid.

The game is very ghosts n goblins which is cool, however there is no variance in your primary weapons other than slightly different speeds and flight paths. I would grab something like the hammer and expect more power however it was the same default three hits to kill a guy.

Magic system was pretty cool however its another area where I wish I had some ability to either select the spell (since I am grabbing the books) or at least chose to keep my current spell instead of it suddenly changing?

Other than those two things music was good, game play was solid, just a little more variance in either weapons or enemy strength and you've got a great game here!! Thanks! =)

Shitty Pixelknight

I hate it when there are games so hard that at certain times there is no chance in hell you can get away unscathed, and this game has many of those times. Really, all the different weapons and NONE do more damage than the other? Going down a tiny elevator ramp and having two gargoyles scream at you in a pincer attack is terrible, shitty planning, and it's like this with almost EVERY STAGE.

Enemies are fine the first half of the game, but then it gets twice as hard due to closed-in spaces with no where to maneuver while an enemy you have to hit 4-8 times is moving super fast towards you. I doubt that even the creator of this game can get very far. HURR DURR I made this tiny ledge that the player can barely stand on, I'm going to put 2 dragons here to attack him so he'll get raped.

The attack speed of which the player can shoot vs. the speed of which enemies advance on them is in need of some serious tweaking. Bosses (especially the reaper and final boss) give you NO CHANCE of avoiding them while they sit there with these constant attacks. The reaper's scythe is FUCKING HUGE and you can't even jump over it half the time, much less hope to destroy it in time before the reaper sneaks up on the other side and RAPES you through your armor. The final boss is freaking tall and if he corners you beyond the platforms on either side, you have to take a hit to get by him.

I only finished the game out of sheer persistence, rather than enjoyability. And of course, the ending is a single scene with a "you vanquished the enemy herp derp" with some score submission. Ugh.