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Reviews for "Gravinaytor"


First off, I didn't play all the levels. I got so pissed at 19 (I believe it was) that I quit playing altogether. There was no progression into this level of difficulty. I went from the puzzles solving themselves to level 18 being a good challenge and 19 being fucking impossible. Sorry, it's just that there's a part where you have to jump onto the block that you've been riding in the double gravity tunnel (or whatever you want to call it) and then up over a couple of little blocks with spikes beneath them and I could swear that I've cleared it but I die. After acing the first 10 minutes of the stage and then making a jump I'd swear on my life I made and dying so many times I decided it was best I quit before I throw my computer across the room.

The first stages were almost insultingly easy and then you get a stage like that and it really ruins the game. There needs to be a good balance of difficulty that is both challenging and do-able by the majority of people to keep interest. If you have 35 stages, 10 of them at max should be of the solve themselves difficulty. And that's just to illustrate how the damn game works.

Aside from this, the game was fine. Controls responded well. Dialog was cheesy but not terribly horrible. I wanted to like it more. I would have finished it if it weren't for that. I don't mean to rant about the same problem over and over but it's just so frustrating.


The controls are too slippery and often times the spikes are used to make the levels more difficult instead of just telling you where not to jump. Bad.

that was a gravity

but I still have I playing games

Its ok, could use improvement

First off, I found the little girls voice just annoying. It doesn't seem eerily creepy or anything like that, it really just sounds like shes a dumb small child. The game itself isn't exactly anything new; platformers have been around for quite a long time and so has the gravity aspect of it, actually the gravity aspect of platformers has been so overused its became boring now. The game itself is ok, though from reading the description I got kind of excited thinking this was going to be a brilliant game (Nothing wrong with making your game sound good, it just ended up disappointing me a lot). With a lot of the puzzles its basically just run in and the gravity will fling you around automatically and make you solve it. And then there were those that were the complete opposite, where if you messed up once in a large puzzle then the whole thing had to be redone. There needs to be a medium between these; I have no problem with difficult levels but it gets annoying when you have to repeat a level numerous times and do the same thing because you mess up at once small part. Personally I think the levels that have a lot of content in them and have the potential of having to be restarted if you mess up at one part should be broken down into smaller ones, so players don't get annoyed with repeating the same thing over and over again. All in all an ok game that needs some work, but the idea and the game itself is nothing special.


Seriously. games ain't just a question of momentum and repetition. i had the feeling i was playing to these old 1990 platforms again. for the hard part, not for the graphics (they were better in the 90's, its intentional, i know). Someone said this game gave him the feeling he wanted to hit a puppy in the face... I'd put the puppy in a shredder.
Still it has a public for it... Maybe masochists that love to repeat again and again the same level until they can say: "i did it!"
Good games are also stories, graphic works, that expand your knowledge, reflexes and imagination. This game doesn't do these really well.