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Reviews for "FF: Beta on the Beach"

Great game

Great game. Like the guy below me said though, mobbing is an issue. I found a rather effective way to combat it though. I beat the game with the following strategy: Strong kick one entire side until they're dead, strong kick the other side until there are 1-5 remaining and they are low enough hp to be taken out with a single grapple, and then sex grapple the remaining guys, which gives health time to regenerate. If this is the sort of strategy you want to encourage I'd suggest adding some kind of regeneration or drain during your grapple, so you regain hp faster while grappling.

As for the stacking goes, it turns out they don't actually have to be huge mobs at all, just two on one side can sometimes be enough to take krystal/the new girl down.

And yeah, it gets laggy for me when there are 6 or more monsters on screen.

By the way, I love the layered cum, by the end of the game my babe was absolutely covered.


This is fantastic. And I don't think the grapple bars really need any explanation, they're a huge improvement over the old ones. At least now you can tell whether YOU are grappling or whether it is the other guy. Really, I don't think the spawning is as much as a problem as people make it out to be, in the full game we aren't likely to be stuck in a small cramped space such as this. The only issue I really see is the problem of being mobbed. If you have people on both sides of you and you get grabbed, you're fucked. The issue is this happens even if you have 100% armor. It's a pretty easy fix, I think, just put in the same sort of push you get in the front after escaping a grapple on the back as well.

great so far but...

I played this a couple of times now and there is one unfortunately glaring and blaring problem. After a hold/grapple is broken the next hostile in the hitbox can just (pardon the pun) basically spawn rape you with no chance of escape, slowly whittling down you health to zero.
2 Other issues are:
(A) There is no explanation of the bar that appears when grappling and when grappled. One can guess that. How does it work? What do the colors indicate? How can the player influence it? In short, explain the grapple system and the gauges that appear a bit more.
(B) At level 6 there are too many hostile NPCs in play at once for the player to have a reasonable chance at victory. A spawn timer would be a decent enough fix, but a slow or DOT/poison enemies powerup or attack could fix it as well. Hell, just spawning them one by one instead of all at once might do the trick.

Other then that some things you may want to add is: A quality control button, More enemy types ( aka futa furry chick/ male or female or both full beast furry/ male or female or both token human), A way to increase max health, Maybe a code unlocked gallery and Maybe putting the player character on the title screen.

All in all it is a fairly solid and fun game with a few problems (kinda like people lol). A classic tried and true control system, A hot character design and furries fucking. What more could you ask for?
Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing the sequel of K-Fox and a debugged FF:BOtB. ^_^

dirtyc101 responds:

I agree, the grapple bar needs some tweaking, but I'm honestly pretty happy with it as is. Every grapple is a resisted challenge - you (blue) vs. the monster (green). The defender needs to fill the meter to escape.
I think part of the problem is that there are many other ways to escape. Player or monster death, or clothing tears all break the grapple, making the bar often seem irrelevant to the action. I may try to tweak that in the future.


This is a great game. I like the new character. I hope we get to us her more in upcomming games. I started to have some lagging around lvl 15. I think they need to come out a bit slower instead of all at once. but it is fun to just want the girl getting ganged lol. well keep up the great work


Ready for the next one man! However for me level 6 or 8 seem to give me issues, but perhaps instead of releasing them all at once, set them on a time for the round to give the computers a break and the the lesser players time. However the new character in Krystals suit is pretty nice change.