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Reviews for "CatGame"

Ok game

But i'm really sick of cat jokez

A very fun&funny idea but held back

the whole thing is a crazy idea after all dead cats as ammo isnt the usual fare, with even funnier concepts added like feeding the expired munition to make them explode or set others on fire its got a definite flavor you dont see just anywhere
not to mention the graphices and sound that are noticable from the beginning
yeah its got a tough start, pratctice your shooting and do what the authors say, it gets better as it gets farther.
so play it a bit then read my review which is mainly written towards the authors anyway

now i warn you that my critic is aimed mostly at the control set-up, no matter how i look at it the controls are gonna have to be looked over if you ever want to expand on this great idea, and you might have to sacrifice some of the concepts towards a better game, maebe not as smart and original game as it was origianlly concieved as but not all great ideas can work with the reality of how keyboards are layed out and how most people play

the food mechanism is the biggest point to talk about here, like for example that first food is so obsolete after the second type that its automatically annoying to be adding it all the time, pause or no pause its just a chore, it would be more practical (if anything) to have 5 unique slightly more limited and/or selective ammos that combine (in pairs/trios?) together, and upgrades that match, (sadly that "would" mean being like most shooters) hotkeying the food to numbers 1-5 while holding the cat is a better way of setting it up rather than remembering six (no matter how small that is) letters and haveing to hold up the game every few seconds while you prepare a single barrage

the sling thing is just a matter of practice but you might want to consider alternative controls for lap users, after all more fans the better
all the same its the least of my worries so people... quit complainin'!

you used a lot of voice acting to great effect to anounce combos and power-ups which where all useful and some entertaing in there own right (creepy clown anyone?) on the other side no score or cash bonus means combos are a total masturbation that gets tiring no matter how funny "Purrfect!" in that tone is

a few other details are here, maebe a slower cat movement would get more people past the first lvls then it can speed up as much as you want (but w/e¬¬), had a few glitches where cats would be hitting the wall with no effect to it, the explosive combos where overpowered in the end and it was always a better choice than ghost powers, cahs flow is a little uneven as some lvls make you rich while others leave you feeling you get minimum wage and still worked overtime

overall i very much like the art concept and overall look of the game, but as a"game" to be played, it has many flaws (although correctable ones), thus i'd say a lot of potential lays here, whether or not this review is a total exageration is up to you, cuz i say theres a lot more here, like more lvls and more crazy cats of doom to be had, i hope you care (; cuz id love a sequel from this brand


Good I can continue my game OH DAMMIT.

balancing issues!

from wave ~6-10 it was damn hard! after wave 15 it was easy as a pie, bossfight was awesome

Really like the game but..

I really like the style and humor of the game, but as most people already said its too difficult. Maybe its just me sucking at the game, usually I don't get too far with these games. But the progression of difficult is what stood out, maybe start off the first few levels more easier. I couldn't even get upgrades because I had to use it on recovery. Other then that I wish I could have fully enjoyed the game.