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Reviews for "LARRY episode 2"

it was great!

up until you showed facebook in the after credits...i am disappoint
so 9 for you.

Jazza responds:

Why? Really? That's a stupid reason. But thanks :)

funny but short

it was good but too short i was expecting more it could have been a little longer

Jazza responds:

10 minutes is a long time for a flash dude lol. If it was boring it would have felt like too long, if it was longer, it would have killed me to make lol. Thanks man :)


Wait, does that that mean I'm going to have to wait for another year and a half for Larry 3. Well, I'm staying in Australia for 4 years so I can hunt you down if you take that long. XD

Anyway, now onto the main points. (My reviews are long, so to make it not so hard to read, I'll keep what I have to say concise and straight to the point). The person below me focused more on the artwork, so I'll focus more on plot and character development.

1. What I want to praise:
-Improved physics of the human body.: In your previous flashes (And I'm talking
Larry 1.5 and prior all the back way to Paladin) your portrayed movements such as walking, striking, and running are flawed and awkward. It's hard for the animator to get the physics right, because they have to study a lot, but it's always nice to see we obey the law of nature and physics. (Of course, this takes place in Karryon rather than Earth, but they're still humans, right?) I appreciate how you took your time to make more of the flash follow the law of physics. And I would definitely appreciate it if you would fine-tune it to perfection.
-Excellent use and portrayal of characters: Almost all characters portrayed come back and you give them a meaning (except the cameos). I like how you give each a unique gag kind of thing, like Larry being a midget, the priest a pedophile, malicious (or however you spell him) running into walls, etc. And yes, we see how Larry got stronger.
-Excellent introduction - It had an effect on us viewers because it intrigued us. It made us wonder what we were doing. And it showed us how much you improved on your animation skills.
-A lot of comedic effect: Very little of them are cheesy (except all of the cameos, for some reason I don't find them funny). Like how you chopped off Pup's legs and how the assassin only knew how to say yes, etc. They were pretty original.
-Epic Music: I LOVE the music
2. What I want to criticize:
-Comedy>Drama: You seem to have your episodes focused more on comedy than drama. Now, I know you mean to make this parody the "traditional" hero, you overdo it at times. Which is why I have to say that this was not as epic as episode 1. Because you focused more on comedy than drama, there was very little plot development. Which is my next point...
-Very little plot development: Larry got a steed (a dog). That's it. There was no furious battle with the antagonist, not even against the assassin and there was the two sides didn't even make contact. I feel like this is a .5 episode only with Larry in it. I'm sorry, but as much as I liked Larry episode 2 I'm really disappointed that there wasn't more development in this episode.
-Use of violence on animals: need I say more?
3. What I want to suggest
-More character development: Essential to the story. We need to see the characters change and develop. Aside from Larry getting stronger and the overlord getting an evil underling... nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. Not with Kikket, not with the side characters, not with anyone. I understand that this is focused on Larry, but we should probably see Kikket training himself to keep himself in shape, etc. Improvement of the side characters would be nice (getting smarter, stronger, funnier, stupider, etc).
-Some minor stuff regarding art that the person below me already mentioned.
4. What I want to ask:
- With Larry having been trained by Kikket to have stronger and faster reflexes, why didn't Larry notice the Assassin at all? Why didn't you let them fight? Was it the "pulling on cliche" thing again? An epic battle with the Assassin would have been awesome regardless. I really wished you would have done that.
- Will Larry get shield and armor? Or is he the offensive type and all that will just in the way?
- Will you please stop coming up with disgusting things such as making out with his dead father's head and chopping off a dog's leg?
5. What I look forward to:
-Larry 3
-Other traditional fairy tale cliches you want to pull on

And for the last time, I loved this episode. There was just a few things I wanted to point out.

Jazza responds:

Thanks for the very detailed review! Now I will share my side of things, it is simple, I don't think it through very much. Now Larry and his series have been worked on and planned more then other episodes but the way I work is very improvisational. Sometimes I don't know where the joke is going until I voice or animate it.

I know it's not conventional but it's worked for me so far and people have responded well so far, but I'm not saying I don't need improvement, I have so much to learn and your points are a few of many things I need to improve on.

Thanks so much for your review and kind words, i really appreciate knowing where people can see me working on, and I'll definitely try!!


it was ok could a been a little longer


But funny as hell .