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Reviews for "Draesdne Adaas"

Nice and dark

This has a nice and drak sounds like a very dark movie and you know what you are doing for sure, so nice effort here and hope to see more from you soon, And the efforts do show off here I wont drag on here but this was a decent piece great patience in the quality and made it work well I love the energy put into it you can really heart is.


This is not a NGADM review... I'm here by choice! lol
Actually I feel that the organ is used perfectly, despite having read opposing reviews from others. All due respect to them, their opinion is as valid as mine. I can really feel the atmosphere of this piece (there I go, on a wild journey into metaphoratopia), I think you did a good job.

Next time you should chain Bosa down until he finishes his share of the work. ;P

samulis responds:

I tried, but Bosa is my superior. That would be betrayal! :(

Thanks for your thoughts. I liked the organ too, but I think it was too irregular for what a lot of people were expecting.

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


What I liked:
-Choir sounds were quite good.
-Orchestration is done well.
-I really like the brass near the end.
-I can hear a lot of classical influence here, which is awesome.

What could have been better:
-This piece is a little underwhelming. When I think "organ" I think 'BIG'. I know that that's not always the case, and it shouldn't be, but it sort of feels like you were shooting for a really big sound but didn't quite get there.
-I think the organ should have been more of a supplement to the track rather than the focus.
-You end on a V chord. It leaves me wanting. It sounds like it's the end of the first movement of a longer piece. NOW I WANT A FUGUE.

Overall a really nice piece, but it doesn't reflect your potential. I really enjoyed listening to it!

Score: 8/10

samulis responds:

Thanks for the review, BFJ!

I wasn't really going for a 'big' feel. I instead wanted to go for more of a softer more intellectual style. Sure, this wasn't as intense as a Bach organ piece, but I tried to do something that at least wasn't the normal orchestral-cinematic blast-fest. :)

NGADM Review:
As always, great instrumentation and orchestration. You've got well developed themes and sufficient development to keep the piece interesting. Even though it tends to feel a tiny bit disjointed sometimes, it progressed pretty much consistently in most cases, so kudos.

Mixing got a bit muddy at points, with some instruments struggling not to get drowned out by the others. Also the piece kind of ended too abruptly for my tastes, and I felt like it could have gone on to much more. While I understand the time constraints in question, I think this particular aspect could have used more work even in the given time period.

All in all, it's definitely not a bad piece, and it has a good number of excellent qualities, but it did have potential to be more than it is.

Score: 7.8/10

samulis responds:

Thanks for the review, Echo. No amount of time would ever make a work of mine any longer tbh. I stop them when I reach the point of "if I go any longer on this, it's going to turn into 1,000 unrelated themes in a row". If I made this any longer, it'd get worse and worse.


The Good:
-Tubular Bell VST. :3
-I like the various melodies you have here.
-Instruments are good as always, mixing is clean.

The Not-So-Good:
-Mixing gets a tad bit muddy at times, but not much.
-Would be nice to have more consistent ideas as well as a theme which recurrs at least once, but you know this from me, I support composition that works for more than soundtracks.

Overall: Score of 8.4/10. Without getting too nitpicky, those are my comments. I think you and Bosa can do better than this. :(

samulis responds:

You didn't read the "this was just me" part, did you?

Oh boy... what am I going to do with you Skye... Thanks for the feedback, Mr. Use Forms. ;)