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Reviews for "Feed Obama"

Bro, no offense but, the music gets quiet annoying after a while, and there is never an increase on the challenge the game offers, was bored of it after a couple minutes, my suggestion, increase the speed at which the poop falls over time, that will add a challenge to the game and make it a bit more entertaining, and please add a couple more soundtracks to the loop, I liked the quotes though.

I'm sorry, but this game is just crap. I know you meant for this to be humorous, but I really couldn't find this funny. It's just too choppy, lame graphics, gets very boring...not what I'd call a good game. It would be a lot funnier if maybe you added random comments or pics in the background or something. Yes, it's funny to some people, but overall this didn't really even feel like a game.

political and not funny.

Obama is the best thing to happen to the country in decades.

I can see how the KKK would love this but I find it in poor taste.

wagnerben responds:

really?? the best thing in decades?...oh yeah...you're right, he's been better than medical & technology advances! by far!

and why do you have to bring racism into this...just because i hate this man (and all other government figures) doesn't mean i hate them because of the color or their skin...i am judging him by the content of his character, which you would have realized if you actually payed attention to the game!

I laughed for about and hour

Haha feeding him what he feeds us, GREAT game

wagnerben responds:



all these people are crying about the graphics and music and gameplay...the fact this game exists is hilarious!!!

wagnerben responds:

thank you for actually getting the point of why i made it!
it turns out not everyone is a moron