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Reviews for "Attack of the Summer Art"

overall pretty good

i liked the game, and the racing was easy after you practice a bit, but the 9 is simply because its not the best drawn sex scenes out there, but there are pretty good as is, i just wish i could find the auto sex scenes, despite many hours i couldnt even find a clue


Really fun, but it's annoying when the computer seems to get a speed boost on a turn that the player has to slow down to get past

dirtyc101 responds:

Hm... I tried to avoid that exact type of problem. If you can tell me the track & turn where this is happening, I'll take a look at it. I tried to put the cars on a cartoonized racing line, and generally make them behave like they should - IE: agile cars are fast in turns but slow on straights, and vice versa. So a bit disapointing to hear that I missed a spot.

Pretty Good :)

but I could use some hints on the part where you have sex with the chicks
this game is a bit like meet n fuck street racing although the sex part is much easier in the other game
other than that Good game :)


Not bad for a generic racing game. A variety of cars with different upgrades...no to much to complain about. Though on this, I'll count the sex mini games as what they are, mini games that wont impact your score here.

There was some difficult parts, and having to need to re-race previous tracks to get more money seemed a bit tedious. While the idea is good, it was hard to get so a lot of money...then again, perhaps I should have tried the "Teen" rating version and gotten more money from sold cars? Lol.

Either way, that option solves THAT problem...

For a racing game, there isn't a lot to do but race...and that is exactly what this delivers. But sadly, It's been done before. There is just only so much you can do. SO! What can we do to make it more interesting besides the challenges it already offers? The vehicle changes are nice when you upgrade them I have noticed, that's nice. How about tire streaks on the road when making sharp turns? Hmm...you know, not many suggestions really comes to mind, actually.

Overall, it was an okay game.
(watched through the credits btw)

Nice attempt.

It was an ok game. The graphis could use help, but the racing was fun.