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Reviews for "The Kirby Collab"

Some of the shorts were good

But unfortunately most of the good shorts were lost in a pool of mediocrity filled with 4chan references and old jokes. I'm not saying Internet meme will ruin a flash automatically, but if you're going to use them, be smart about them and make it a little more original. Otherwise it looks just stupid.

FlashfireEX responds:

Sigh. Why does everybody look at this like EVERY PART has a 4chan reference?! Only like 3 or 4 do! X_X

good animations

I really liked the animations to nearly all of them. Which gains the 4 stars. Yet none of this really seemed funny or clever to me. I didn't find anything too clever. And the one with the waddle-dee had potential to be funny but imo ended very poorly and seemed more of a cop out.

FlashfireEX responds:

There are lots of skits with a Waddle-Dee. Which one? T_T


a flash can be awsome without good animation but that doesnt mean bad anim
cant ruin a flash
ur choice in artists (or the ones u accepted) was not good
little to no voice acting
the voiceacting that WAS made is bad most opf the times
And MOST IMPORTANTLY this was supposed to be a funny collab wasnt it?
cuz it WASNT the jokes made SUCKED

the only usable stuff that gave this flash 4 points are the pretty decent sprite animations( especially the one by Jasi-or whatever his name is)
I LOVED the anim by JPB (thats the kind of animators u should get)

and that Thing(no, i wont even call it a flash it doesnt deserve that)
by scottwjsm just creeped me out
so thats what i think , no offence
and 4/10
and of course no fav

FlashfireEX responds:

What? We had some pretty good artists, THERE WAS LOTS OF VOICE ACTING, the jokes DEPEND ON YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR! WE ALL THOUGHT THEY WERE FUNNY! Maybe you just have no sense of humor. I don't need to know that you're not favoriting it. You're pretty much just being a dick at that point.


Well... it made ma smirt 2 times.. could be worse.

FlashfireEX responds:

Geez, nobody cares about animation these days.


I'm sorry but I think I only even smiled once. It wasn't funny at all.

FlashfireEX responds:

It had to be funny to make you smile once.