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Reviews for "Dental Appointment"


not my kind of humor i guess. just wasn't funny. I've been thinking eddsworld is losing his touch ever since a bit after tord left. . .this just proves it.

eddsworld responds:

Of course, because Tord said so much.

Not funny at all.

Really, I don't see why this made front page and why so many people are throwing 10s at it. The humor was bland and childish and the animation was pretty terrible. Even the punchline was severely dragged out. The entire flash reeked of LOLRANDUM and I just don't see why it is so popular here.



I should have canceled my dental appointment

As always, eddsworld manages bring another subpar sketch to life on NG.

This is unfunny. Even if this were original, the gags really do lack humor. Your flashes are supposed to be based on humor, yet you don't put out much funny material. Your comedic timing is always off. Your delivery is always weak. Your concepts of humor are totally lame if you actually believe half of the stuff that you put out is worthy of a laugh (or even a small chuckle).

There is no connection between teeth and a light show. There is nothing interesting or remotely humorous about a talking tooth with a gun. How is that supposed to be funny? Oh my goodness, a grenade in his mouth that blew out all his teeth! I've never seen that one before! Author, did you actually roll on the floor laughing at these limp concepts and decide to make flash animations out of them? Or did a life of sheer boredom just make you want to inflict your dull sense of entertainment upon every other poor soul that roams the internet?

I love retarded humor. NG is loaded with dumb shit that can actually come across as very funny. But this is just dumb shit. Period.


Edd, I love your submissions when they contain humor, even it's LOL SO RANDUM, but this is ridiculous. It's like the short everyone would reference when trying to make an example of childish humor.